

(上海市第十一届人民代表大会常务委员会第八次会议于1999年1月22日通过,自1999年5月1日起施行)    (Adopted at the 8th session of the Standing Committee of the 11th Shanghai Municipal People’s Congress on January 22,1999)
(三)擅自变更燃气用途;    3. Alter the purpose of use of fuel gas without authorization ; or
(三)未受用户委托,自行提供服务并收费。    3. Arbitrary offer of services and collection of fees without engagement of users.
(四)因第三人的过错造成燃气事故的,第三人应当依法承担损害赔偿责任。    4. A third party, whose fault causes the fuel gas accident, shall be liable to pay damages according to law.
大城市是指市区和近郊区非农业人口五十万以上的城市。    A "" large city "" means one which has a non-agricultural population of 500, 000 or more in its urban and inner suburban districts.
中等城市是指市区和近郊区非农业人口二十万以上,不满五十万的城市。人民政府所在地镇的城市规划,由县级人民政府负责组织编制。    A "" medium-sized city "" means one which has a non-agricultural population of over 200,000 but less than 500,000 in its urban and inner suburban districts.
小城市是指市区和近郊区非农业人口不满二十万的城市。    A "" small city "" means one which has a non-agricultural population of less than 200,000 in its urban and inner suburban districts.
当事人也可以在接到处罚通知之日起十五日内,直接向人民法院起诉。当事人逾期不申请复议、也不向人民法院起诉、又不履行处罚决定的,由作出处罚决定的机关申请人民法院强制执行。    A party may also bring a suit directly before a people's court within 15 days of receiving the notification on the sanction. If, upon the expiration of this period, the party has not applied for reconsideration or has neither brought a suit before a people's court nor complied with the sanction, the authorities that decided on the sanction may apply to the people's court for compulsory enforcement.
经审核批准的,建设单位或者施工单位应当会同燃气销售企业采取相应的补救措施。    After getting examination, verification and approval, the construction unit or performing unit shall adopt appropriate make-up measures jointly with the fuel gas selling enterprise.
第一条为了加强本市的燃气管理,维护燃气用户、燃气生产企业和燃气销售企业的合法权益,保障社会公共安全,促进燃气事业发展,制定本条例。    Article 1 These Regulations are formulated for the purpose of strengthening this municipality’s fuel gas administration, protecting the legal rights and interests of fuel gas users and of fuel gas producing and selling enterprises, safeguarding the public safety of society and promoting the development of fuel gas undertakings.
第一条 为了确定城市的规模和发展方向,实现城市的经济和社会发展目标,合理地制定城市规划和进行城市建设,适应社会主义现代化建设的需要,制定本法。    Article 1. This Law is formulated to determine the size of a city, define the orientation of its development, realize the goals of its economic and social development, and map out its plan and carry out its construction on a rational basis in order to meet the needs in socialist modernization.
第十条燃气工程建设选用的设备、材料,应当符合国家标准、行业标准或者本市标准。    Article 10 The equipment and materials chosen for fuel gas project construction shall conform to the State standards, trade standards or this municipality’s standards.
第十条 任何单位和个人都有遵守城市规划的义务,并有权对违反城市规划的行为进行检举和控告。    Article 10. All units and individuals shall have the obligation to abide by the plan for a city and shall have the right to report and bring charges against any action that runs counter to such a plan.
第十一条燃气工程竣工后,应当根据工程规模,按照国家和本市的有关规定进行验收;组织验收的单位应当通知市公用局参加。    Article 11 After completion, the fuel gas project must have final acceptance testing according to the project scale and relevant provisions set by the State and this municipality. The unit that organizes the acceptance testing shall ask the MPUA to participate.
第十一条 国务院城市规划行政主管部门和省、自治区、直辖市人民政府应当分别组织编制全国和省、自治区、直辖市的城镇体系规划,用以指导城市规划的编制。    Article 11. The competent department of city planning administration under the State Council and the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government shall organize the compilation of hierachical urban plan for the whole nation and for the provinces, the autonomous regions and the municipalities directly under the Central Government respectively in order to provide guidance for the compilation of the plans for the cities.
第十二条从事燃气经营活动的生产企业、销售企业应当取得国家有关部门或者市公用局颁发的资质证书。    Article 12 Producing and selling enterprises engaged in fuel gas business activities must have qualification certificates issued by the relevant State department or the MPUA.
第十二条城市人民政府负责组织编制城市规划。县级人民政府所在地镇的城市规划,由县级人民政府负责组织编制。    Article 12. The people's government of a city shall be responsible for seeing to the compilation of the plan for the same city. The compilation of the plan for a town which is the seat of the people's government of a county shall be taken care of by the same people's government.
第十三条燃气销售企业设立燃气供气站点,应当取得市燃气管理处颁发的供气许可证。    Article 13 When setting up fuel gas supply stations, the fuel gas selling enterprise shall obtain the gas supply license granted by the MFGMO.
第十三条 编制城市规划必须从实际出发、科学预测城市远景发展的需要;应当使城市的发展规模、各项建设标准、定额指标、开发程序同国家和地方的经济技术发展水平相适应。    Article 13. In the compilation of the plan for a city, it shall be necessary to proceed from actual conditions and make a scientific forecast of the needs arising from its long-term development. The size of the city, the standards, norms and criteria for the various items of development, and the development procedure shall conform with the national and local levels of economic and technological development.
第十四条市公用局对燃气生产企业、燃气销售企业的资质每三年进行一次复审,符合条件的,予以换发资质证书;    Article 14 The MPUA shall review the qualification of fuel gas producing and selling enterprises every three years and renew the qualification certificates for those meeting the requirements.
第十四条 编制城市规划应当注意保护和改善城市生态环境,防止污染和其他公害,加强城市绿化建设和市容环境卫生建设,保护历史文化遗产、城市传统风貌、地方特色和自然景观。    Article 14. In the compilation of the plan for a city, attention shall be paid to the protection and improvement of the city's ecological environment, the prevention of pollution and other public hazards, the development of greenery and afforestation, the improvement of the appearance and environmental sanitation of urban areas, the preservation of historic and cultural sites, the traditional cityscape, the local characteristics and the natural landscape.
第十五条燃气生产企业、燃气销售企业合并或者分立的,应当重新办理资质申请。    Article 15 In case of merger or split-off, the fuel gas producing or selling enterprise shall renew the application for qualification.
第十五条 编制城市规划应当贯彻有利生产、方便生活、促进流通、繁荣经济、促进科学技术文化教育事业的原则。    Article 15. In the compilation of the plan for a city, the principle of facilitating production, benefiting the people's everyday life, promoting commodity circulation, enriching the economy and promoting advances in science, technology, culture and education shall be adhered to.
第十六条燃气销售企业与燃气生产企业应当按照确保产销基数、平等互利和协商一致的原则,订立燃气产销合同。    Article 16 The fuel gas selling enterprise shall make a fuel gas production and sales contract with the fuel gas producing enterprise according to the principle of guaranteed production and sales base, equality, mutual benefit and of reaching unanimity through consultation.
第十六条 编制城市规划应当贯彻合理用地、节约用地的原则。    Article 16. In the compilation of the plan for a city, the principle of optimal utilization and conservation of land shall be observed.
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