(一)不按照规定的价格标准向用户收取燃气使用费或者相关的服务费; 1. Collection of fuel gas use fees or related service charges from users not in accordance with the prescribed rates;(一)建造建筑物或者构筑物; 1. Construction of buildings or structures;(二)向用户收取未经物价部门批准的费用; 2. Collection of fees from users which have not been approved by the price control department; and第一章总则 Chapter I General Provisions第二章 城市规划的制定 CHAPTER II FORMULATION OF THE PLAN FOR A CITY第二章规划和建设管理 Chapter II Planning and Construction Management第三章 城市新区开发和旧区改建 CHAPTER III DEVELOPMENT OF NEW URBAN AREAS AND REDEVELOPMENT OF EXISTING URBAN AREAS第三章经营资质管理 Chapter III Management of Operational Qualifications第四章供气用气管理 Chapter IV Control Over the Supply and Usage of Fuel Gas第四章 城市规划的实施 CHAPTER IV IMPLEMENTATION OF CITY PLANNING第五章 法律责任 CHAPTER V LEGAL LIABILITY第五章燃气器具管理 Chapter V Management of Fuel Gas Appliances第六章设施安全保护事故处理 Chapter VI Safety Protection of Facilities and Handling of Accidents第六章 附 则 CHAPTER VI SUPPLEMENTARY PROVISIONS第七章法律责任 Chapter VII Legal Liability第八章附则 Chapter VIII Supplementary Provisions中华人民共和国城市规划法 City Planning Law of the People's Republic of China编制城市规划应当符合城市防火、防爆、抗震、防洪、防泥石流和治安、交通管理、人民防空建设等要求;在可能发生强烈地震和严重洪水灾害的地区,必须在规划中采取相应的抗震、防洪措施。 City planning shall conform with the city's needs for fire-fighting, the prevention of explosions, the mitigation of earthquakes, the prevention of floods and of mud-rock flows, public security, traffic control and civil air defence construction. In areas where strong earthquakes and serious floods are likely to occur, measures for earthquake mitigation and flood prevention must be specified in the plan for a city.影响城市规划,尚可采取改正措施的,由县级以上地方人民政府城市规划行政主管部门责令限期改正,并处罚款。 construction which affects city planning but can still be remedied shall, by order of the competent department of city planning administration of the local people's government at or above the county level, be corrected within a prescribed period of time and be concurrently punishable by a fine.语际翻译 版权所有
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