

燃气销售企业受理用气申请时,不得限定用户购买本企业或者其指定的单位生产、销售的燃气器具和相关产品,不得限定用户委托本企业或者其指定的安装单位安装燃气器具。    When handling an application for use of gas, the fuel gas selling enterprise shall not restrict the user to the purchase of fuel gas appliances and related products produced or sold by the enterprise itself or its designated unit, and shall not restrict the user to entrusting the enterprise itself or its designated installing unit for the installation of fuel gas appliances.
燃气销售企业与单位用户的供用气合同另有约定的,从其约定。    Where the supply and use contract signed between the fuel gas selling enterprise and the institutional user arranges otherwise, such arrangements shall prevail.
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