(一)在燃气输配管网上直接安装燃气器具或者采用其他方式盗用燃气; 1. Installation of fuel gas appliances directly on the pipelines conveying and distributing fuel gas or usurpation of fuel gas by other means;(二)因燃气器具产品质量或者安装质量不符合安全要求造成燃气事故的,燃气器具生产企业、销售企业或者安装单位应当依法承担损害赔偿责任。 2. If the product quality of fuel gas appliances or the installation quality that fails to meet the safety requirements causes the fuel gas accident, the fuel gas appliance producing and selling enterprises or the installation unit shall be liable to pay damages according to law.(三)因燃气生产、销售作业造成人员伤亡、财产损失的,燃气生产企业、燃气销售企业应当依法承担损害赔偿责任; 3. If there are casualties and property losses caused by production and sales operations of fuel gas, the fuel gas producing and selling enterprises shall be liable to pay damages according to law.造成当事人经济损失的,应当依法承担赔偿责任。 If economic losses are caused to the party involved, the wrongdoer shall be liable to pay damages according to law.因不可抗力或者燃气设施抢修等紧急情况,确需暂停供气或者降低燃气压力的,燃气销售企业应当立即通知用户,同时向市公用局或者县(区)燃气行政管理部门报告,并采取不间断抢修措施,恢复正常供气。 If fuel gas supply really has to be suspended or fuel gas pressure has to be lowered due to emergencies such as force majeure, or making rush repairs on fuel gas facilities, the fuel gas selling enterprise shall notify the users immediately and in the meantime report to the MPUA or the county/ district fuel gas administrative department, and take measures of continuous rush repairs to restore normal supply of fuel gas.人工煤气、天然气销售企业与生产企业在日常调度中产生争议的,由市燃气管理处或者县(区)燃气行政管理部门协调处理,人工煤气、天然气销售企业与生产企业应当服从。 If in daily dispatch the artificial coal gas and natural gas selling enterprise gets into a dispute with the producing enterprise, the MFGMO or county / district fuel gas administrative department shall deal with the dispute through coordination. The artificial coal gas and natural gas selling and producing enterprises shall obey.因燃气工程施工或者燃气设施维修等情况,确需暂停供气或者降低燃气压力的,燃气销售企业应当在三日前予以公告;需在较大范围内暂停供气或者降低燃气压力的,燃气销售企业应当事先报市公用局或者县(区)燃气行政管理部门批准。 If it is really necessary to suspend gas supply or to lower fuel gas pressure due to the fuel gas project under construction or the maintenance of fuel gas facilities, the fuel gas selling enterprise shall make an announcement 3 days in advance. If fuel gas supply has to be suspended or fuel gas pressure has to be lowered in a wider range, the fuel gas selling enterprise shall report in advance to the MPUA or the county / district fuel gas administrative department for approval.协商不成的,有关当事人可以申请事故发生地的区、县人民政府调解处理; If no settlement can be reached through consultation, the party involved may apply for mediation to the district or county people’s government where the accident happens.调解不成的,可以向人民法院提起民事诉讼; If no settlement can be reached through mediation, the party involved may file a civil lawsuit in the people’s court.人工煤气、天然气销售企业因不可抗力或者重大突发性事故无法正常实施日常调度时,由市或者县(区)人民政府指定的机构下达应急调度指令,人工煤气、天然气生产企业应当服从,不得以任何理由拒绝或者拖延。 If the artificial coal gas and natural gas selling enterprise can not normally dispatch daily due to force majeure or major sudden accidents, the organization designated by the municipal or county / district people’s government shall issue contingency dispatch directives. The artificial coal gas and natural gas producing enterprise shall obey and shall not refuse or delay for any reasons.人工煤气、天然气销售企业与生产企业经协商达不成产销合同,可能影响正常供气的,市或者县(区)人民政府可以协调决定。 If the artificial coal gas and natural gas selling enterprise cannot reach a production and sales contract with the producing enterprise and the normal supply of gas may be affected, the municipal or county / district people’s government shall come to a decision through coordination.情节严重的,经市或者县(区)人民政府批准,可以责令停业整顿,或者吊销供气许可证。 If the case is serious, operations may be ordered to be stopped or gas supply licenses revoked with approval of the municipal or county / district people’s government.情节严重的,经市或者县(区)人民政府批准,可以责令停业整顿或者吊销资质证书。 If the case is serious, the operations may be ordered to be stopped for rectification or the qualification certificates may be revoked with approval of the municipal or county / district people’s government.执行应急调度指令造成人工煤气、天然气生产企业损失的,市或者县(区)人民政府应当予以适当补偿。 If the execution of contingency dispatch directives causes damage to the artificial coal gas and natural gas producing enterprise, the municipal or county / district people’s government shall make appropriate compensation.当事人对具体行政行为逾期不申请复议,不提起诉讼,又不履行的,作出具体行政行为的市公用局、市燃气管理处或者县(区)燃气行政管理部门可以申请人民法院强制执行。 If the party involved neither applies for review of the specific administrative act within the time limit, nor takes legal action, nor performs, the MPUA, the MFGMO or the county / district fuel gas administrative department that makes the specific administrative act may apply to the people’s court for enforcement.建设工程施工可能影响燃气设施安全的,建设单位或者施工单位应当与燃气销售企业协商采取相应的安全保护措施。 If the performance of construction project may affect the safety of fuel gas facilities, the construction unit or performing unit shall consult with the fuel gas selling enterprise about the adoption of appropriate measures of safety protection.因建设工程施工确需改装、迁移或者拆除重要的燃气设施的,建设单位应当在申请建设工程规划许可证前,报市公用局审批; If the refit, removal or dismantling of important fuel gas facilities is really necessary due to the performance of construction project, the construction unit shall report to the MPUA for examination and approval before applying for a license of construction project planning.发生燃气事故时,燃气生产企业、燃气销售企业应当根据应急处理预案,迅速采取相关的安全措施,组织抢修,并不间断作业,直至抢修完毕。 In case of fuel gas accidents, the fuel gas producing and selling enterprises shall take prompt relevant safety measures according to the contingency preplanning, organize rush repairs and operate continuously until the finish of repairs.对燃气泄漏的,应当立即派人到现场抢修。 In case of gas leakage, servicemen must be promptly sent on the spot to do rush repairs.逾期六个月仍不支付的,经市公用局或者县(区)燃气行政管理部门审核批准,燃气销售企业可以中止供气,但应当在中止供气的十五日以前书面通知用户。 In case of no payment six months after deadline, the fuel gas selling enterprise may stop gas supply after examination, verification and approval by the MPUA or the county / district fuel gas administrative department, but shall notify the user in writing 15 days before the stoppage of gas supply.燃气生产企业、燃气销售企业歇业的,应当在歇业的九十日前,书面报告市公用局,落实有关用户继续用气的相关措施后,向市公用局办理资质证书的注销手续。 In case of winding-up of business, the fuel gas producing or selling enterprise must report in writing to the MPUA 90 days before the winding-up of business, and go through the formalities for cancellation of qualification certificates with the MPUA after taking relevant measures for fuel gas to be still available to related users.本市燃气事业的发展,实行统筹规划、公平竞争和多种气源协调平衡、结构优化的原则。 In developing this municipality’s fuel gas undertakings, the principle of unified planning, fair competition, coordination and balance of multiple gas sources and structural optimization shall be followed.本市燃气行业的管理,实行安全第一、保障供应、规范服务和节能高效的原则。 In management of this municipality’s fuel gas trade, the principle of putting safety first, safeguarding supply, standardizing services and advocating energy-saving and high efficiency must be observed.编制民族自治地方的城市规划,应当注意保持民族传统和地方特色。 In the compilation of the plan for a city in a national autonomous area, attention shall be paid to the preservation of ethnic traditions and local characteristics.港口建设应当兼顾城市岸线的合理分配和利用,保障城市生活岸线用地。 In the construction of harbours, consideration shall be given to the rational allocation and utilization of a city's water front, and the availability of a section of the water front for activities other than production shall be guaranteed.