(一)燃气工程,是指燃气设施和燃气供气站点的建设工程; 1. The fuel gas project means the construction project of fuel gas facilities and fuel gas supply stations;(一)因燃气用户自身的过错造成燃气事故的,由燃气用户自行承担损害责任;造成他人伤亡、财产损失的,有过错的燃气用户应当依法承担损害赔偿责任。 1. The fuel gas user, whose personal fault causes the fuel gas accident, shall himself or herself be liable for the damage. If the accident causes injuries, deaths and property losses of other people, the fuel gas user at fault shall be liable to pay damages according to law.(二)燃气生产企业,是指生产并向燃气销售企业销售人工煤气、天然气、液化气等的经营企业; 2. The fuel gas producing enterprise means the operational enterprise that produces and sells artificial coal gas, natural gas, and LPG to the fuel gas selling enterprise;(三)燃气销售企业,是指向用户销售人工煤气、天然气、液化气等的经营企业; 3. The fuel gas selling enterprise means the operational enterprise that sells artificial coal gas, natural gas and LPG to the users;(四)燃气设施,是指用于生产、储存、输配燃气的各种设备及其附属设施,包括输配管网、调压装置、管道阀门和聚水井等; 4. The fuel gas facilities mean all kinds of equipment and additional facilities including transmission and distribution pipelines, pressure regulators, pipeline valves and catchment wells used to produce, store, transmit and distribute fuel gas; and(五)燃气器具,是指使用燃气的炉灶、热水器、沸水器、取暖器、锅炉、空调器等器具。 5. The fuel gas appliances mean stoves, water heaters, water boilers, warmer, boilers air-conditioners and other appliances using fuel gas.燃气事故的损害赔偿,由有关当事人协商处理; The amount of damages of fuel gas accident shall be settled through consultation with the party concerned.人工煤气、天然气生产企业应当根据销售企业的日常调度组织生产。 The artificial coal gas and natural gas producing enterprise shall organize production according to the daily dispatch of the selling enterprise.县级以上地方人民政府城市规划行政主管部门主管本行政区域内的城市规划工作。 The competent departments of city planning administration of the people's governments at or above the county level shall be responsible for city planning in the administrative areas under their jurisdiction.省和自治区人民政府所在地城市、城市人口在一百万以上的城市及国务院指定的其他城市的总体规划,由省、自治区人民政府审查同意后,报国务院审批。 The comprehensive plan for a city which is the seat of the people's government of a province or of an autonomous region, or for a city which has a population of 1,000,000 or more, or for a city otherwise designated by the State Council shall first be examined and approved by the people's government of the province or the autonomous region and then submitted to the State Council for examination and approval.本条第二款和第三款规定以外的设市城市和县级人民政府所在地镇的总体规划,报省、自治区、直辖市人民政府审批,其中市管辖的县级人民政府所在地镇的总体规划,报市人民政府审批。 The comprehensive plan for a city with a municipal government or for a town serving as the seat of a county government other than those defined in Paragraphs 2 and 3 of this Article shall be submitted to the people's government of the province, the autonomous region or the municipality directly under the Central Government for examination and approval. The comprehensive plan for a town which is the seat of the people's government of a county administered by a municipality shall be submitted to the relevant municipal people's government for examination and approval.设市城市和县级人民政府所在地镇的总体规划,应当包括市或者县的行政区域的城镇体系规划。 The comprehensive plan for a city with a municipal government or for a town serving as the seat of a county government shall include a hierachical urban plan for the administrative divisions of the city or county.直辖市的城市总体规划,由直辖市人民政府报国务院审批。 The comprehensive plan for a municipality directly under the Central Government shall be submitted by the people's government of the municipality to the State Council for examination and approval.前款规定以外的其建制镇的总体规划,报县级人民政府审批。 The comprehensive plan for a town with an administrative status other than that defined in the preceding paragraph shall be submitted to the people's government of the relevant county for examination and approval.城市规划确定的城市基础设施建设项目,应当按照国家基本建设程序的规定纳入国民经济和社会发展计划,按计划分步实施。 The construction of items of urban infrastructure as defined in the plan for a city shall be incorporated into the plan for national economic and social development in accordance with the specified procedure for national capital construction, and shall be carried out step by step in a planned way.城市规划区内的建设工程,建设单位应当在竣工验收后六个月内向城市规划行政主管部门报送有关竣工资料。 The construction unit shall submit to the competent department of city planning administration documents related to the completion of a development project within a planned urban area within six months of the checking and acceptance of the project.燃气工程的设计、施工,应当按照国家和本市的有关技术标准和规范进行。 The design and performance of fuel gas projects must abide by relevant technical standards and norms set by the State and this municipality.城市详细规划由城市人民政府审批;编制分区规划的城市的详细规划,除重要的详细规划由城市人民政府审批外,由城市人民政府城市规划行政主管部门审批。 The detailed plan for a city shall be examined and approved by the people 's government of the city. The detailed plan for a city which has a district plan shall be submitted to the competent department of city planning administration of the people's government of the city for examination and approval, with the exception of important detailed plans which shall be submitted to the people's government of the city for examination and approval.城市详细规划应当包括:规划地段各项建设的具体用地范围,建筑密度和高度等控制指标,总平面布置、工程管线综合规划和竖向规划。 The detailed plan for a city shall define the scope for the use of land for each construction project within the planned plot and provide the control indexes for building density and building height, the general layout, the comprehensive plan for utilities engineering and the plan for site engineering.对占压燃气输配管道的建筑物或者构筑物,区、县人民政府可以组织规划管理部门、市燃气管理处或者县(区)燃气行政管理部门拆除,所需费用由违法建设的单位或者个人负担。 The district or county people’s government may organize the planning administrative department, the MFGMO or the county / district fuel gas administrative department in dismantling the buildings or structures lying on the transmission and distribution pipelines of fuel gas. The cost needed shall be borne by the unit or individual person that makes the illegal construction.禁止任何单位和个人的下列行为: The following actions of any units or individual persons are forbidden:禁止燃气销售企业的下列收费行为: The following actions of fee collection by the fuel gas selling enterprise are forbidden:南汇县、奉贤县、青浦县、崇明县和浦东新区、闵行区、宝山区、嘉定区、金山区、松江区(以下简称县(区))燃气行政管理部门,根据本条例的规定,负责本县(区)供气范围内的燃气管理,业务上受市公用局领导。 The fuel gas administrative departments in Nanhui, Fengxian, Qingpu and Chongming counties, and Pudong New Area, and Minghang, Baoshan, Jiading, Jinshan and Songjiang districts(hereinafter called county / district) take charge of the fuel gas management in the range of gas supply in respective county or district according to the provisions of these Regulations, and subject themselves to the leadership of the MPUA in professional work.列入《准许销售目录》的燃气器具,应当贴置准许销售标志。 The fuel gas appliances listed in the Permitted Sales Catalogue shall be marked with permitted sales labels.未列入《准许销售目录》或者未贴置准许销售标志的燃气器具,不得在本市销售或者为销售而陈列。 The fuel gas appliances that have not been listed in the Permitted Sales Catalogue or marked with permitted sales labels shall not be sold or exhibited for sale in this municipality.