第六条市和县(区)人民政府应当将燃气事业的发展纳入国民经济和社会发展计划。 Article 6 The municipal and county / district people’s governments shall incorporate the development of fuel gas undertakings into the national economical and social development plans.第六条 城市规划的编制应当依据国民经济和社会发展规划以及当地的自然环境、资源条件、历史情况,现状特点,统筹兼顾,综合部署。 Article 6. The compilation of the plan for a city shall be based on the plan for national economic and social development as well as the natural environment, resources, historical conditions and present characteristics of the city. The plan shall be a comprehensive one which gives balanced consideration to all factors.第七条新建、扩建开发区或者居住区,成片改造地区,新建、改建、扩建大型建设项目,应当按照燃气发展规划和地区详细规划,同时配套建设相应的燃气设施或者预留燃气设施配套建设用地。 Article 7 New construction and expansion of development zones or residential areas, renovation of areas with large stretches of land, and new construction, conversion or expansion of large construction projects shall, according to the fuel gas development planning and detailed area planning, be accompanied by the construction of appropriate fuel gas facilities to form a complete project or the land reserved in advance for fuel gas facilities construction as part of the whole project.第七条 城市总体规划应当和国土规划、区域规划、江河流域规划、土地利用总体规划相协调。 Article 7. The comprehensive plan for a city shall be coordinated with territorial planning, regional planning, water space planning and comprehensive planning for the use of land.第八条新建、改建、扩建燃气工程项目,应当符合燃气发展规划,经市公用局审核同意,按照国家和本市规定的建设项目审批程序报有关部门批准后实施。 Article 8 New construction, conversion and expansion of fuel gas construction projects shall conform to the fuel gas development planning, and shall be carried out after having examined, verified and approved by the MPUA, reported to the relevant department in accordance with the examination and approval procedures set by the state and this Municipality, and its approval obtained.第八条 国家鼓励城市规划科学技术研究,推广先进技术,提高城市规划科学技术水平。 Article 8. The state shall encourage scientific and technical research in city planning and shall popularize advanced technology in order to raise the scientific and technical level of city planning.第九条建设单位应当委托持有相应资质证书的设计、施工单位进行燃气工程的设计、施工。禁止无证或者超越资质证书规定的经营范围从事燃气工程的设计、施工。 Article 9 Construction units shall entrust designing and performing units with appropriate professional qualification certificates to design and perform the fuel gas projects. The designing or performance of fuel gas projects without certificates or beyond the business scope provided by the professional qualification certificates is forbidden.第九条 国务院城市规划行政管理部门主管全国的城市规划工作。 Article 9. The competent department of city planning administration under the State Council shall be responsible for city planning throughout the country.语际翻译 版权所有
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