(一)损毁、丢失属于国家所有的档案的; (1) damaging or losing State-owned archives;(一)刑事案件的被告人和公安机关或者人民检察院或者人民法院认定的犯罪嫌疑人; (1) defendants in criminal cases or criminal suspects confirmed by a public security organ, a people's procuratorate or a people's court;(一)对本机关依法应当或者有权做出处理决定的信访事项,应当直接办理; (1) direct handling of those matters which should be handled by the relevant administrative authority or are within the authority of the administrative authority to handle according to law;(一)警告; (1) disciplinary warning;(一)扰乱机关、团体、企业、事业单位的秩序,致使工作、生产、营业、医疗、教学、科研不能正常进行,尚未造成严重损失的; (1) disturbing the public order of government offices, organizations, enterprises or institutions, making it impossible for the work, productive or business operations, medical care, teaching or scientific research to go on smoothly but not having caused serious losses.(一)书证; (1) documentary evidence;(一)驾驶机动车违反装载、车速规定或者违反交通标志、信号指示的; (1) driving a motor vehicle in violation of stipulations concerning loading and speed or in violation of directions indicated by traffic signs and signals;(二)对行政机关工作人员的奖惩、任免等决定不服的; (2) decisions on awards or punishments or on the appointment of or removal from a position with respect to personnel working in administrative bodies;(二)本级人民政府所属部门和下级人民政府作出的决定、命令、指示违反法律、法规或者国家政策,应当予以纠正或者撤销的; (2) Decisions, orders, and directions issued by departments of the people's governments at their corresponding levels and people's governments at lower levels, which should be corrected or withdrawn for contradicting laws, regulations, or state policies;(二)故意阻碍消防车、消防艇通行或者扰乱火灾现场秩序,尚不够刑事处罚的; (2) deliberately blocking the passing of fire engines or fire boats, or disturbing order at the scene of a fire, when circumstances are not serious enough for criminal punishment;(二)扰乱车站、码头、民用航空站、市场、商场、公园、影剧院、娱乐场、运动场、展览馆或者其他公共场所的秩序的; (2) disturbing the public order of stations, wharves, civil airports, markets, bazaars, parks, theatres, entertainment centers, sports grounds, exhibition halls or other public places;(二)制定检查方案并组织实施; (2) Draft an inspection scheme and organize its implementation;(二)无驾驶证的人、醉酒的人驾驶机动车辆,或者把机动车辆交给无驾驶证的人驾驶的; (2) driving a motor vehicle without a license or in an intoxicated condition, or lending a vehicle to a person who drives without a driving license;(三)行政机关对行政机关工作人员的奖惩、任免等决定; (3) decisions of an administrative organ on awards or punishments for its personnel or on the appointment or relief of duties of its personnel;(三)故意涂改户口证件的; (3) deliberately altering a residence certificate;(三)故意污损国家保护的文物、名胜古迹,损毁公共场所雕塑,尚不够刑事处罚的; (3) deliberately defacing and damaging cultural relics, scenic spots or historic relics, under protection of the state, and damaging or destroying sculptures in public places, when circumstances are not serious enough for criminal punishment;(三)拘留:一日以上,十五日以下。 (3) detention, ranging from a minimum of one day to a maximum of fifteen days.(三)扰乱公共汽车、电车、火车、船只等公共交通工具上的秩序的; (3) disturbing the public order of buses, trolleybuses, trains, ships and other public transit vehicles;(三) 划分选举本级人民代表大会代表的选区,分配各选区应选代表的名额; (3) divide electoral districts for the election of deputies to the people's congress at the corresponding level and allocate the number of deputies to be elected in each electoral district;(三)行政机关的批准文件或者证明文件; (3) Documents of approval of the administrative organ or evidential documents;(四) 根据较多数选民的意见,确定和公布正式代表候选人的名单; (4) decide on and publish the official list of candidates for deputies on the basis of the opinions of the majority of voters;(四)故意损毁或者擅自移动路牌、交通标志的; (4) deliberately damaging, destroying or removing without approval street nameplates or traffic markers;(四)无理拦截车辆或者强行登车影响车辆正常运行,不听劝阻的; (4) deliberately intercepting or boarding vehicles by force or impeding the normal operation of vehicles in disregard of dissuasion;(四)利用会道门、封建迷信活动,扰乱社会秩序、危害公共利益、损害他人身体健康或者骗取财物,尚不够刑事处罚的; (4) disturbing public order or swindling money by way of feudal superstition, when circumstances are not serious enough for criminal punishment;(五)故意损毁路灯、邮筒、公用电话或者其他公用设施,尚不够刑事处罚的; (5) deliberately damaging or destroying street lamps, postboxes, public telephone booths or other public facilities, when circumstances are not serious enough for criminal punishment;