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中国行政治安法律法规中英数据库    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


(一)省、自治区、直辖市三十五人至六十五人,人口超过八千万的省不超过八十五人;    (1) 35 to 65 members for those of provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government and no more than 85 members for those of provinces with populations exceeding 80 million;
(一)暂予扣留、封存可以证明违反行政纪律行为的文件、资料、财务帐目及其他有关的材料;    (1) Temporarily remove and seal for safekeeping documents, materials, financial accounts, and other relevant materials that could prove acts of discipline violation;
(一)行政机关应当于举行听证的七日前将举行听证的时间、地点通知申请人、利害关系人,必要时予以公告;    (1) The administrative organ shall notify the applicant and interested party of the time and place of the hearing 7 days before it is held, and shall announce it to the public where necessary;
(一)情节特别轻微的;    (1) the adverse effects are extremely minor;
(一)申请人是认为具体行政行为直接侵犯其合法权益的公民、法人或者其他组织;    (1) the applicant shall be a citizen, a legal person, or any other organization that holds that a specific administrative act has directly infringed upon his/her or its lawful rights and interests;
1、 机长、船长或者代理人必须向边防检查站提交机组人员、船员名单和旅客名单。    (1) The captain or his/her agent must submit lists of the crew members and passengers to the border check-posts;
(一)依法给予二十元以下的罚款的;    (1) The fines imposed according to law is not more than 20 yuan; or
(一)行政机关工作人员滥用职权、玩忽职守作出准予行政许可决定的;    (1) The functionaries of the administrative organ decide to approve an administrative license as the result of abusing their power and neglecting their duties;
(一)申请人的姓名、性别、年龄、职业、住址等(法人或者其他组织的名称、地址、法定代表人的姓名);    (1) the name, sex, age, occupation and address of the applicant (the name and address of the legal person or any other organization and the name of its legal representative);
(一)申请人的姓名、性别、年龄、职业、住址(法人或者其他组织的名称、地址、法定代表人的姓名);    (1) the name, sex, age, occupation and address of the applicant (the name and address of the legal person or of any other organization and the name of its legal representative);
(一)设立机构的必要性和可行性;    (1) The necessity and feasibility for establishment of agencies;
(一)增设机构的必要性;    (1) The necessity for the additional establishment of internal institution;
(一)机构人员定额和人员结构比例;    (1) The numerical quotas of staff and staff structure proportions of the agency; and
(一)原告是认为具体行政行为侵犯其合法权益的公民、法人或者其他组织;    (1) the plaintiff must be a citizen, a legal person or any other organization that considers a specific administrative act to have infringed upon his or its lawful rights and interests;
(一)撤销或者合并机构的理由;    (1) The reasons for dissolution or merger of the institution;
(一)撤销或者合并的理由;    (1) The reasons for dissolution or merger;
(一)本级人民政府各部门及其国家公务员;    (1) The same level of various people's government departments and their government functionaries;
(一)直接涉及国家安全、公共安全、经济宏观调控、生态环境保护以及直接关系人身健康、生命财产安全等特定活动,需要按照法定条件予以批准的事项;    (1) The special activities that directly bear on the state security, public security, macro-economic control, ecological environment protection, and those directly relate to the human health, safety of life and property, which shall be approved according to the legal requirements;
(一)国务院各部门及其国家公务员;    (1) The State Council's various departments and its government functionaries;
(一)公民、法人或者其他组织能够自主决定的;    (1) Those can be decided by the citizens, legal person or other institutions themselves;
(一) 被判处有期徒刑、拘役,管制而没有附加剥夺政治权利的;    (1) those who are sentenced to fixed-term imprisonment, who are undergoing criminal detention or who are under public surveillance without the additional penalty of deprivation of political rights;
1、 未持有效护照、证件或者签证的;    (1) Those who do not hold valid passports, certificates or visas;
(一)依法成立的管理公共事务的事业组织;    (1) to be an institution in charge of public affairs established in accordance with law;
(一)决定常务委员会每次会议的会期,拟定会议议程草案;    (1) to decide on the time for each meeting of the Standing Committee and draft the agenda of the meeting;
(一)审议全国人民代表大会主席团或者全国人民代表大会常务委员会交付的议案;    (1) to deliberate on bills and proposals received from the Presidium or the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress;
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