

(十三)保障宪法和法律赋予妇女的男女平等、同工同酬和婚姻自由等各项权利。    (13) to safeguard women's rights as endowed by the Constitution and the law, such as equality with men, equal pay for equal work and freedom of marriage.
(十四)决定授予地方的荣誉称号。    (14) to decide on the conferment of local titles of honour.
(十四)保障少数民族的权利;    (14) to safeguard the rights of minority nationalities; and
(十五)保障宪法和法律赋予妇女的男女平等、同工同酬和婚姻自由等各项权利。    (15) to safeguard women's rights as endowed by the Constitution and the law, such as equality with men, equal pay for equal work and freedom of marriage.
(二)设区的市、自治州十三人至三十五人,人口超过八百万的设区的市不超过四十五人;    (2) 13 to 35 members for those of cities divided into districts and for autonomous prefectures and no more than 45 members for those of cities divided into districts with populations exceeding eight million; and
(二)行政机关应当在听证的七日前,通知当事人举行听证的时间、地点;    (2) The administrative organ shall, seven days before the hearing is held, notify the party of the time and place for the hearing;
(二)有限自然资源开发利用、公共资源配置以及直接关系公共利益的特定行业的市场准入等,需要赋予特定权利的事项;    (2) The development and utilization of the limited natural resources, allocation of public resources and the market entry of the special trades that directly concern public interests, which shall be entitled with special rights;
(二)听证应当公开举行;    (2) The hearing shall be held openly;
(二)被申请人的名称、地址,法定代表人的姓名、职务;    (2) the name and address of the defending party of an application, the name and position of its legal representative;
(二)被申请人的名称、地址;    (2) the name and address of the defending party of the application for reconsideration;
(二)机构领导职数和司级内设机构领导职数。    (2) The number of leadership positions in the agency and that of the internal institutions at the departmental level.
(二)本级人民政府及本级人民政府各部门任命的其他人员;    (2) The same level of people's government and other personnel appointed by same level of various departments under the people's government;
(二)撤销或者合并机构后职能的消失、转移情况;    (2) The status of the disappearance and transference of functions after dissolution or merger of the institution; and (3)
(二)撤销或者合并机构后职能的消失、转移情况;    (2) The status of the disappearance and transference of the functions after dissolution or merger of agencies; and
(二)增设机构的名称和职能;    (2) The titles and functions of the additional establishment of internal institution; and
(二)机构的类型、名称和职能;    (2) The types, titles, and functions of the agencies;
(二)有明确的被告;    (2) there must be a specific defendant or defendants;
(二)有明确的被申请人;    (2) there must be a specific defending party or parties of an applications;
(二)市场竞争机制能够有效调节的;    (2) Those can be effectively regulated by the market competition mechanism;
(二) 被羁押,正在受侦查、起诉、审判,人民检察院或者人民法院没有决定停止行使选举权利的;    (2) those who are being held in custody and who are subject to investigation, prosecution or trial without having been suspended from exercising their voting rights by decision of a people's procuratorate or a people's court;
2、 持伪造、涂改或者他人护照、证件的;    (2) Those who hold forged, altered or other than their own passports or certificates;
(二)在职权范围内通过和发布决议;    (2) to adopt and promulgate resolutions within the scope of their functions and powers;
(二)具有熟悉有关法律、法规、规章和业务的工作人员;    (2) to be staffed with personnel who are familiar with relevant laws, regulations and rules and are experienced in the work; and
(二)检查统计资料的准确性,要求改正不确实的统计资料;    (2) to checked the accuracy of statistical data and to ask for correction of inaccurate statistical data; and
(二)向争议双方、有关单位及有关人员调查取证、查阅文件和资料;    (2) to conduct investigations among, and collect evidence from, both parties to a dispute and relevant units and personnel and to consult relevant documents and materials:
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