

(四)听证由行政机关指定的非本案调查人员主持;    (4) The hearing shall be presided over by a person other than the investigator of the case designated by the administrative organ;
(四)直接关系公共安全、人身健康、生命财产安全的重要设备、设施、产品、物品,需要按照技术标准、技术规范,通过检验、检测、检疫等方式进行审定的事项;    (4) The important equipment, facilities, products, articles that directly concern public security, human health, the safety of life and property, which shall be examined and approved by means of inspection, testing, and quarantine according to the technical standards or criterions;
(四)行政机关采用事后监督等其他行政管理方式能够解决的。    (4) The matters that can be solved by the administrative organs by means of supervision afterwards or through other administrative methods
4、 公安部或者国家安全部通知不准入境、出境的。    (4) Those who are under notice by the Ministry of Public Security or the Ministry of State Security forbidding their entry or exit.
(四) 正在被劳动教养的;    (4) those who are undergoing rehabilitation through labour; and
(四)管理和协调各部门制定的统计调查表和统计标准。    (4) to administer and coordinate work concerning the statistical investigation forms and statistical standards worked out by various departments.
(四)依照法律的规定任免、培训、考核和奖惩国家行政机关工作人员;    (4) to appoint or remove personnel in state administrative organs, train them, appraise their performance and award or punish them according to the provisions of the law;
(四)讨论、决定本行政区域内的政治、经济、教育、科学、文化、卫生、环境和资源保护、民政、民族等工作的重大事项;    (4) to discuss and decide on major issues in political, economic, cultural, educational, scientific, cultural, public health, protection of the environment and natural resources and civil and nationality affairs in its administrative area;
(四)拟订复议决定;    (4) to draft reconsideration decisions;
(四)选举本级人民代表大会常务委员会的组成人员;    (4) to elect the members of their respective standing committees;
(四)审查和批准本行政区域内的财政预算和预算执行情况的报告;    (4) to examine and approve the budgets of their respective administrative areas as well as the reports on the implementation of the budgets;
(四)审议全国人民代表大会 主席团或者全国人民代表大会常务委员会交付的质询案,听取受质询机关对质询案的答复,必要的时候向全国人民代表大会主席团或者全国人民代表大会常务委员会提出报告;    (4) to examine questions referred by the Presidium or the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, to hear the replies given by the organs questioned and, when necessary, to submit reports to the Presidium or the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress; and
(四)处理常务委员会其他重要日常工作。    (4) to handle the other important day-to-day work of the Standing Committee.
(四)保护各种经济组织的合法权益;    (4) to protect the legitimate rights and interests of various economic organizations;
(四)违法行为已构成犯罪的,移送司法机关。    (4) to transfer the case to a judicial organ where an illegal act constitutes a crime.
(五)暂扣或者吊销许可证、暂扣或者吊销执照;    (5) temporary suspension or rescission of permit or temporary suspension or rescission of license;
(五)属于受理复议机关管辖;    (5) the case must fall under the jurisdiction of the administrative body that accepts the said case; and
(五)复议结论;    (5) the conclusion of the reconsideration;
(五)企业或者其他组织的设立等,需要确定主体资格的事项;    (5) The establishment of the enterprises or other institutions, which need to determine the subject qualification;
(五)因不可抗力导致行政许可事项无法实施的;    (5) The matters under an administrative license are unable to be implemented due to force majeure;
(五)当事人可以亲自参加听证,也可以委托一至二人代理;    (5) The party may participate in the hearing in person, or he may entrust one or two persons to act on his behalf;
(五)机构的编制。    (5) The staffing of the agencies.
(五) 正在受拘留处罚的。    (5) those who are being punished by detention.
(五)写恐吓信或者用其他方法威胁他人安全或者干扰他人正常生活的;    (5) threatening others' safety or disturbing others' normal lives by writing letters of intimidation or by other methods;
(五)决定本行政区域内的民政工作的实施计划;    (5) to decide on plans for civil affairs in their respective administrative areas;
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