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(五)根据本级人民政府的建议,决定对本行政区域内的国民经济和社会发展计划、预算的部分变更;    (5) to decide, upon the recommendation of the people's government at the corresponding level, to make partial alterations in the plans for economic and social development and the budgets of its respective administrative area;
(五)选举省长、副省长,自治区主席、副主席,市长、副市长,州长、副州长,县长、副县长,区长、副区长;    (5) to elect governors and deputy governors, chairmen and vice-chairmen of autonomous regions, mayors and deputy mayors, prefects and deputy prefects, and heads and deputy heads of counties and districts;
(五)执行国民经济和社会发展计划、预算,管理本行政区域内的经济、教育、科学、文化、卫生、体育事业、环境和资源保护、城乡建设事业和财政、民政、公安、民族事务、司法行政、监察、计划生育等行政工作;    (5) to implement the plan for national economic and social development and the budget, and conduct administrative work concerning the economy, education, science, culture, public health, physical culture, protection of the environment and natural resources, urban and rural development, finance, civil affairs, public security, nationality affairs, judicial administration, supervision and family planning within its administrative area;
(五)对属于全国人民代表大会或者全国人民代表大会常务委员会职权范围内同本委员会有关的问题,进行调查研究,提出建议。    (5) to investigate and propose solutions to issues which are related to the special committees and which fall within the scope of functions and powers of the National People's Congress or its Standing Committee.
(五)受复议机关法定代表人的委托出庭应诉;    (5) to respond to litigation in court, as entrusted by the legal representative of the administrative body for reconsideration;
(五)保障少数民族的权利和尊重少数民族的风俗习惯;    (5) to safeguard the rights of minority nationalities and respect their folkways and customs;
(五)听证应当制作笔录,听证笔录应当交听证参加人确认无误后签字或者盖章。    (5) Transcripts shall be made for a hearing. The attendees of the hearing shall sign their names on or affix their seals to the transcripts after they have confirmed them as inerrant
(六)举行听证时,调查人员提出当事人违法的事实、证据和行政处罚建议;当事人进行申辩和质证;    (6) The investigator shall, when the hearing is conducted, put forward the facts about the violations of law committed by the party, the evidence and recommendation for administrative penalty; the party may defend himself and make cross-examination; and
(六)不服复议决定向人民法院起诉的期限,或者终局的复议决定,当事人履行的期限;    (6) the time limit for bringing a suit before the people's court if the applicant does not accept the reconsideration decision; or the time limit for the parties to execute the final decision on the reconsideration case;
(六)作出行政处罚决定的行政机关名称和作出决定的日期。    (6) title of the administrative organ that makes the decision on administrative penalty and the date on which the decision is made.
(六)法律、法规规定的其他职责。    (6) to carry out other functions and duties stipulated by the laws and regulations.
(六)选举本级人民代表大会主席、副主席;    (6) to elect the chairman and vice-chairmen of the people's congress at the corresponding level;
(六)选举本级人民法院院长和人民检察院检察长;选出的人民检察院检察长,须报经上一级人民检察院检察长提请该级人民代表大会常务委员会批准;    (6) to elect the presidents of the people's courts and the chief procurators of the people's procuratorates at the corresponding levels; the election of the chief procurator of a people's procuratorate shall be reported to the chief procurator of the people's procuratorate at the next higher level, who shall submit it to the standing committee of the people's congress at that same level for approval;
(六)保护社会主义的全民所有的财产和劳动群众集体所有的财产,保护公民私人所有的合法财产,维护社会秩序,保障公民的人身权利、民主权利和其他权利;    (6) to protect the socialist property owned by the whole people, property owned collectively by working people and citizens' legitimate private property and to maintain public order and safeguard citizens' rights of the person and their democratic and other rights;
(六)保障宪法和法律赋予妇女的男女平等、同工同酬和婚姻自由等各项权利;    (6) to safeguard women's rights as endowed by the Constitution and the law, such as equality with men, equal pay for equal work and freedom of marriage; and
(六)监督本级人民政府、人民法院和人民检察院的工作,联系本级人民代表大会代表,受理人民群众对上述机关和国家工作人员的申诉和意见;    (6) to supervise the work of the people's government, people's court and people's procuratorate at the corresponding level, to maintain contact with the deputies of its people's congress and to receive and handle accusations and complaints from the people against the above-mentioned organs and state functionaries;
(七)作出复议决定的年、月、日。    (7) the date (year, month, day) on which the reconsideration decision is made.
(七)撤销下一级人民代表大会及其常务委员会的不适当的决议;    (7) to annul inappropriate resolutions of the people's congress and its standing committee at the next lower level;
(七)选举上一级人民代表大会代表;    (7) to elect deputies to the people's congresses at the next higher level;
(七)选举乡长、副乡长,镇长、副镇长;    (7) to elect heads and deputy heads of townships and towns;
(七)办理上级人民政府交办的其他事项。    (7) to handle other matters assigned by the people's governments at higher levels.
(七)保护各种经济组织的合法权益;    (7) to protect the legitimate rights and interests of various economic organizations;
(八)撤销本级人民政府的不适当的决定和命令;    (8) to annul inappropriate decisions and orders of the people's government at the corresponding level;
(八)听取和审查乡、民族乡、镇的人民政府的工作报告;    (8) to hear and examine reports on the work of the people's governments of townships, nationality townships, and towns;
(八)听取和审查本级人民代表大会常务委员会的工作报告;    (8) to hear and examine reports on the work of the standing committees of the people's congresses at the corresponding levels;
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