

(三) 正在取保候审或者被监视居住的;    (3) those who are awaiting trials on bail or subject to residential surveillance;
3、 拒绝接受查验证件的;    (3) Those who refuse to have their certificates examined;
(三)改变或者撤销所属各工作部门的不适当的命令、指示和下级人民政府的不适当的决定、命令;    (3) to alter or annul inappropriate orders and directives of its subordinate departments and inappropriate decisions and orders of the people's governments at lower levels;
(三)申请人民法院强制执行。    (3) to apply to a People's Court for compulsory enforcement.
(三)召集本级人民代表大会会议;    (3) to convene sessions of its people's congress;
(三)根据国家计划,决定本行政区域内的经济、文化事业和公共事业的建设计划;    (3) to decide, in accordance with state plans, on plans for the development of the economy, cultural affairs and public services in their respective administrative areas;
(三)指导和协调各专门委员会的日常工作;    (3) to direct and coordinate the day-to-day work of the special committees; and
(三)讨论、决定本行政区域内的政治、经济、教育、科学、文化、卫生、环境和资源保护、民政、民族等工作的重大事项;    (3) to discuss and decide on major issues in political, economic, educational, scientific, cultural, public health, protection of the environment and natural resources and civil and nationality affairs in their respective administrative areas;
(三)审议全国人民代表大会常务委员会交付的被认为同宪法、法律相抵触的国务院的行政法规、决定和命令,国务院各部、各委员会的命令、指示和规章,省、自治区、直辖市的人民代表大会和它的常务委员会的地方性法规和决议,以及省、自治区、直辖市的人民政府的决定、命令和规章,提出报告;    (3) to examine and submit reports on items received from the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress which are considered to be in contravention of the Constitution or the law, namely: administrative regulations, decisions and orders issued by the State Council; orders, instructions and regulations issued by the ministries and commissions under the State Council; regulations and resolutions issued locally by the people's congresses of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government and their standing committees; and decisions, orders and regulations issued by the people's governments of the provinces, autonomous regions, and municipalities directly under the Central Government;
(三)揭发和检举统计调查工作中的违法行为。    (3) to expose and report any violations of law committed in statistical investigation.
(三)管理本单位的统计调查表,建立健全统计台帐制度,并会同有关机构或者人员建立健全原始记录制度。    (3) to handle statistical investigation forms of such units, to establish and improve statistical master-file systems and to establish and improve, jointly with organs or persons concerned, original record systems.
(三)对违法行为需要进行技术检查或者技术鉴定的,应当有条件组织进行相应的技术检查或者技术鉴定。    (3) to have the conditions for organizing and conducting the technical tests or technical appraisal that are needed for testing or appraising illegal acts.
(三)违法事实不能成立的,不得给予行政处罚;    (3) to impose no administrative penalty where the facts about an illegal act are not established; or
(三)对国民经济和社会发展情况进行统计分析,实行统计监督,依照国务院的规定组织国民经济核算;    (3) to make statistical analysis of national economic and social development, to exercise statistical supervision and, in accordance with the regulations of the State Council, to conduct national economic accounting.
(三)组织、协调本部门管辖系统内企业事业组织的统计工作,管理本部门的统计调查表。    (3) to organize and coordinate the statistical work of enterprises and institutions under the jurisdiction of such departments and handle statistical investigation forms of such departments.
(三)组织审理复议案件;    (3) to organize the handling of reconsideration cases;
(三)保护社会主义的全民所有的财产和劳动群众集体所有的财产,保护公民私人所有的合法财产,维护社会秩序,保障公民的人身权利、民主权利和其他权利;    (3) to protect the socialist property owned by the whole people, property owned collectively by working people and citizens' legitimate private property and to maintain public order and safeguard citizens' rights of the person and their democratic and other rights;
(三)对依法应当由其他行政机关做出处理决定的信访事项,应当及时转送、转交其他行政机关办理。    (3) transferring the matter timely to another administrative authority if it should be handled by that administrative authority according to law.
(三)行政处罚的种类和依据;    (3) type of and basis for administrative penalty;
(四)证人证言;    (4) testimony of witnesses;
(四)有充分根据认定申请举行的集会、游行、示威将直接危害公共安全或者严重破坏社会秩序的。    (4) the belief, based on sufficient evidence, that the holding of the assembly, procession or demonstration that is being applied for will directly endanger public security or seriously undermine public order.
(四)属于申请复议范围;    (4) the case must fall within the scope for application for reconsideration;
(四)提出复议申请的日期。    (4) the date of filing the application for reconsideration.
(四)与业务相近的国务院行政机构职能的划分;    (4) The division of functions between the administrative agencies of the State Council whose administrative work is closely related;and
(四)复议机关认定的事实、理由,适用的法律、法规、规章和具有普遍约束力的决定、命令;    (4) the facts and reasons, as established by the administrative body for reconsideration; and the laws, regulations and rules as well as the decisions and orders with general binding force applied;
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