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国家质量技术监督局    State Bureau of Quality and Technological Supervision
国家宗教事务局    State Bureau of Religious Affairs
中华人民共和国国家发展计划委员会    State Development Planning Commission of the People’s Republic of China
中华人民共和国国家经济贸易委员会    State Economic and Trade Commission of the People’s Republic of China
中华人民共和国国家民族事务委员会    State Ethnic Affairs Commission of the People’s Republic of China
中华人民共和国国家计划生育委员会    State Family Planning Commission of the People’s Republic of China
国家林业局    State Forestry Bureau
国家体育总局(与中华全国体育总会,一个机构两块牌子)    State Sports Administration (merging with All-China Sports Federation but having their respective names retained)
国家统计局    State Statistical Bureau
国家统计调查项目,由国家统计局拟订,或者由国家统计局和国务院有关部门共同拟订,报国务院审批。    State statistical investigation items shall be worked out by the State Statistics Bureau, or by the State Statistics Bureau jointly with the relevant department or departments of the State Council, and shall be submitted to the State Council for examination and approval.
国家统计调查、部门统计调查、地方统计调查必须明确分工,互相衔接,不得重复。    State, departmental and local statistical investigations must be explicitly divided in their functions. They shall be made to dovetail with each other and not overlap.
企业事业组织的统计资料,由企业事业组织的统计机构或者统计负责人统一管理。    Statistical data of enterprises and institutions shall be placed under the unified administration of statistics institutions or persons in charge of statistics of the enterprises and institutions.
国家统计数据以国家统计局公布的数据为准。    Statistical data published by the State Statistics Bureau shall be the standard data.
各地方、各部门、各单位公布统计资料,必须经本法第十三条规定的统计机构或者统计负责人核定,并依照国家规定的程序报请审批。    Statistical data to be published by local authorities, departments and units shall be checked and ratified by the statistics institutions or persons in charge of statistics as prescribed in Article 13 of this Law, and shall be submitted for examination and approval according to procedures stipulated by the State.
部门统计调查范围内的统计资料,由主管部门的统计机构或者统计负责人统一管理。    Statistical data within the scope of departmental statistical investigations shall be placed under the unified administration of statistics institutions or persons in charge of statistics of competent departments.
部门统计调查项目,调查对象属于本部门管辖系统内的,由该部门拟订,报国家统计局或者同级地方人民政府统计机构备案;调查对象超出本部门管辖系统的,由该部门拟订,报国家统计局或者同级地方人民政府统计机构审批,其中重要的,报国务院或者同级地方人民政府审批。    Statistical investigation items of a department shall be worked out, if the units to be investigated lie within its jurisdiction, by the department itself and shall be reported to the State Statistics Bureau or to a statistics institution of a local people's government at the same level for the record; if the units to be investigated lie beyond its jurisdiction, the investigation items shall be worked out by the department and shall be reported to the State Statistics Bureau or to a statistics institution of a local people's government at the same level for examination and approval, but important items shall be reported to the State Council or a local people's government at the same level for examination and approval.
统计工作应当接受社会公众的监督。任何单位和个人有权揭发、检举统计中弄虚作假等违法行为,对揭发、检举有功的单位和个人给予奖励。    Statistical work shall be subject to public supervision. Any unit or individual shall have the right to expose or report unlawful activities in statistical work, such as fraud and deception, and any unit or individual that has rendered meritorious service by exposing or reporting shall be rewarded.
乡、镇统计员会同有关人员负责农村基层统计工作,完成国家统计调查和地方统计调查任务。    Statisticians of townships and towns shall, together with persons concerned, take charge of the statistical work in rural areas at the grassroots level, and accomplish the tasks of State and local statistical investigations.
统计人员参与篡改统计资料、编造虚假数据的,由县级以上人民政府统计机构予以通报批评,依法给予行政处分或者建议有关部门依法给予行政处分。    Statisticians who participate in tampering with or fabricating statistical data shall be criticized in a circulated notice and given administrative sanctions in accordance with law by the statistics institutions of the people's governments at or above the county level; or the said institutions may suggest that the departments concerned give them administrative sanctions in accordance with law.
统计机构、统计人员对在统计调查中知悉的统计调查对象的商业秘密,负有保密义务。    Statistics institutions and statisticians shall have the obligation to maintain commercial secrets of the units and individuals under their statistical investigation, which they have come to know in the process.
统计机构、统计人员依法履行职责受法律保护。任何地方、部门、单位的领导人不得对拒绝、抵制篡改统计资料或者对拒绝、抵制编造虚假数据行为的统计人员进行打击报复。    Statistics institutions and statisticians shall perform their duties according to law, which shall be protected by law. No leading members of local authorities, departments or units may retaliate against the statisticians who refuse to tamper with or fabricate statistical data or oppose doing it.
中华人民共和国统计法    Statistics Law of the People's Republic of China
乡、民族乡、镇人民代表大会代表向本级人民代表大会提出的对各方面工作的建议、批评和意见,由本级人民代表大会主席团交有关机关和组织研究处理并负责答复。    Suggestions, criticisms and complaints on any aspect of work put forward by deputies to the people's congress of a township, nationality township, or town to that people's congress shall be referred by its presidium to the departments and organizations concerned for consideration, disposition and reply.
监察机关派出的监察机构或者监察人员,对派出的监察机关负责并报告工作。    Supervisory organizations or supervisory personnel set up or dispatched by supervisory organs are held responsible by and report to supervisory organs which set up the supervisory organizations and dispatch the personnel.
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