行政机关按照招标、拍卖程序确定中标人、买受人后,应当作出准予行政许可的决定,并依法向中标人、买受人颁发行政许可证件。 After the administrative organ has determined the bid winner or buyer according to the bid or auction procedures, in accordance with the law, it shall issue a certificate for the administrative license to the bid winner or buyer外国人持有中国国内被授权单位的函电,并持有与中国有外交关系或者官方贸易往来国家的普通护照,因下列事由确需紧急来华而来不及在上述中国驻外机关申办签证的,也可以向公安部授权口岸签证机关申请办理签证: Aliens holding letters or telegrams from authorized organizations in China and ordinary passports issued by countries that have diplomatic relations or official trade contacts with China may apply for visas to port visa agencies authorized by the Ministry of Public Security in cases of an urgent need to travel to China and a lack of time to apply for visas to the above-mentioned Chinese agencies abroad, for the following reasons:持标有F、L、G、C字签证的外国人,可以在签证注明的期限内在中国停留,不需办理居留证件。 Aliens holding visas F, L, G, C or J-2 may stay in China for the period prescribed in their visas without obtaining residence certificates.在中国居留的外国人,应当在规定的时间内到当地公安机关缴验证件。 Aliens residing in China shall submit their certificates to the local public security organs for examination within the prescribed period of time.外国人无力缴纳罚款的,可以改处拘留。 Aliens who are unable to pay a fine may be subjected to detention instead.外国人来中国定居或者居留1年以上的,在申请入境签证时,还须交验所在国政府指定的卫生医疗部门签发的,或者卫生部门签发的并经过公证机关公证的健康证明书。 Aliens who come to China for permanent residence or for residence of one year and upwards shall, in applying for entry visas, submit for examination health certificates issued by health or medical institutions designated by the governments of the countries of their current residence or those issued by health or medical institutions and certified by notarial organs.对违反本实施细则第二十一、二十二条规定的外国人,可以处警告或者500元以下的罚款,情节严重的,并处限期出境。 Aliens who violate Article 21 and 22 of the present Rules may be served a warning or fined up to 500 yuan. Those whose offenses are serious may at the same time be ordered to leave the country within a specified time.对违反本实施细则第二十三条规定,不执行公安机关决定的外国人,在强制其执行决定的同时,可以处警告 或者1000元以上、10000元以下的罚款;情节严重的,并处限期出境。 Aliens who violate Article 23 of the present Rules and fail to carry out the decision of the public security organs may, while being compelled to carry out the decision, be served a warning or filed from 1,000 t 10,000 yuan. Those whose offenses are serious shall be ordered to leave the country within a specified time.外国人居留证,发给在中国居留1年以上的人员。 Aliens' residence cards are issued to those who stay in China for one year or more.外国人临时居留证,发给在中国居留不满1年的人员。 Aliens' temporary residence cards are issued to those who stay less than one year in China.选民和各政党、各人民团体推荐的代表候选人都应当列入代表候选人名单,选举委员会不得调换或者增减。 All candidates for deputies as recommended by voters or political parties or people's organizations shall be included in the list of candidates for deputies, and the election committees may not replace or delete any of the names or add more names.公、检、法、工商部门的全部财务收支活动都必须由单位财务部门统一归口管理,在银行设立统一帐户。 All financial receipts and expenditures in judicial organs and administrative departments for industry and commerce must be uniformly controlled by the financial affairs divisions in respective units and their accounts shall be uniformly opened in banks.逾期不提起上诉的,人民法院的第一审判决或者裁定发生法律效力。 All judgments and orders of first instance by a people's court that have not been appealed within the prescribed time limit shall be legally effective.没收的财物全部上交国库,属偷窃、抢夺、骗取或者敲诈勒索他人的,除违禁品外,六个月内查明原主的,依法退还原主。 All the property confiscated shall be delivered to the state treasury. Property stolen, robbed, defrauded or extorted, with the exception of contraband, shall be returned according to law to the original owners, to be located within six months.行政机关应当根据被许可人的申请,在该行政许可有效期届满前作出是否准予延续的决定;逾期未作决定的,视为准予延续。 An administrative organ shall decide whether to approve the extension prior to the expiry of the valid period of this administrative license; if it fails to make a decision within the time limit, it shall be deemed that the extension has been approved持有居留证件的外国人出境后不再返回中国的,出境时应向边防检查站缴纳居留证件。 An alien holding a residence certificate who does not wish to return to China after exit shall hand in his/her residence certificate for cancellation to the border check-point upon exit.定居的外国人申请迁移,须事先向迁入地公安局申请准予迁入的证明,凭该证明按前款规定办理迁移登记。 An alien residing permanently in China who wishes to apply for a change of residence shall apply in advance to the public security bureau at the new place of residence for a certificate permitting the move-in and register the move on the strength of the certificate in accordance with the provisions of the previous paragraph.申请人可以委托代理人提出行政许可申请。但是,依法应当由申请人到行政机关办公场所提出行政许可申请的除外。 An applicant may entrust an agent to file the application for administrative license, however, with the exception that the applicant shall file the application for administrative license in the office of the administrative organ行政许可申请可以通过信函、电报、电传、传真、电子数据交换和电子邮件等方式提出。 An application for administrative license may be filed by means of letter, telegraph, telex, fax, electronic data interchange and email受委托行政机关在委托范围内,以委托行政机关名义实施行政许可;不得再委托其他组织或者个人实施行政许可。 An authorized administrative organ shall, within the authorized scope, implement the administrative license in the name of the authorizing administrative organ; it shall not authorize any other organization or individual to implement the administrative license选举委员会设立办事机构,办理选举的具体事务。 An election committee establishes an office to handle specific matters related to the election.间歇性的精神病人在精神正常的时候违反治安管理的,应予处罚。 An intermittently insane person who violates the administration of public security while in normal mental condition shall be punished.醉酒的人在醉酒状态中,对本人有危险或者对他人的安全有威胁的,应当将其约束到酒醒。 An intoxicated person who may cause danger to himself or who threatens the safety of others due to his drunken state shall be restrained until he returns to a sober state.调查委员会由主任委员、副主任委员和委员组成,由主任会议在常务委员会组成人员和其他代表中提名,提请全体会议通过。 An investigation committee shall be composed of a chairman, vice- chairmen and members, who shall be nominated by the council of chairmen from among the component members of the standing committee and other deputies and be submitted to the plenary meeting for approval.调查委员会由主任委员、副主任委员和委员组成,由主席团在代表中提名,提请全体会议通过。 An investigation committee shall be composed of a chairman, vice- chairmen and members, who shall be nominated by the presidium from among the deputies and be submitted to the plenary meeting for approval.