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十、地区(盟)行政公署的印章,直径4.5厘米,中央刊五角星,五角星外刊机关名称,自左而右环行(图十),由省、自治区人民政府制发。    Article 10 The seal of the administrative office of the prefecture/league shall be made and distributed by the people’s government at the province and autonomous region level with the diameter of 4.5 centimeters, a five-pointed star in the center and the title of the organizations around the five-pointed star from left to right. (See illustration 10)
十、地区(盟)行政公署的印章,直径4.5厘米,中央刊五角星,五角星外刊机关名称,自左而右环行(图十),由省、自治区人民政府制发。    Article 10 The seal of the administrative office of the prefecture/league shall be made and distributed by the people’s government at the province and autonomous region level with the diameter of 4.5 centimeters, a five-pointed star in the center and the title of the organizations around the five-pointed star from left to right. (See illustration 10)
第十条 外国人抵达口岸,必须向边防检查站缴验有效护照和中国的签证、证件,填写入出境卡,经边防检查站检验核准加盖验讫章后入境。    Article 10 Upon arrival at a Chinese port, aliens shall submit their valid passports, Chinese visas and certificates to border check-posts for examination and shall fill in entry and exit forms. They may enter China after the border check-posts complete inspection and affix inspection seals.
第十条开办特种行业和公共场所的单位变更经营方式、经营范围、单位名称、单位地址、核定的布局设施、法定代表人或者经营负责人的,应当自变更之日起十五日内向原发证的公安部门备案。    Article 10 When the mode of the management, the scope of the business, the name of the business, the address of the business, the approved layout of the building, the legal representative or responsible persons for business operations are changed, those who start a special trade or use a public place shall register with the public security bureau who issued the original license for future reference within 15 days since the date of change.
第十条 一个代表团或者三十名以上的代表,可以向全国人民代表大会提出属于全国人民代表大会职权范围内的议案,由主席团决定是否列入大会议程,或者先交有关的专门委员会审议、提出是否列入大会议程的意见,再决定是否列入大会议程。    Article 10. A delegation or a group of thirty or more deputies may submit to the National People's Congress bills or proposals that fall within the scope of its functions and powers. The Presidium may decide whether or not to put the bills or proposals on the agenda of the Congress, or it may refer the bills or proposals to the relevant special committees for deliberation and after receiving their opinions then decide whether or not to put the bills or proposals on the agenda of the Congress.
第十条 精神病人在不能辨认或者不能控制自己行为的时候违反治安管理的,不予处罚,但是应当责令其监护人严加看管和治疗。????    Article 10. A mentally disordered person who violates the administration of public security at the time when he is unable to recognize or to control his own conduct shall not be penalized, but his guardian shall be instructed to keep a strict guard on him and subject him to medical treatment.
第十条 公民、法人和其他组织对下列事项不服,不能依照本条例申请复议:    Article 10. Citizens, legal persons or other organizations shall not file an application for reconsideration in accordance with these Regulations if they are not satisfied with any one of the following matters:
 第十条 监察人员必须熟悉监察业务,具备相应的文化水平和专业知识。    Article 10. Supervisory personnel should be familiar with supervisory operation and possess a corresponding educational level and professional knowledge.
第十条 各部、各委员会工作中的方针、政策、计划和重大行政措施,应向国务院请示报告,由国务院决定。根据法律和国务院的决定,主管部、委员会可以在本部门的权限内发布命令、指示和规章。    Article 10. The ministries and commissions shall request instructions from and submit reports to the State Council concerning principles, policies, plans and important administrative measures in their work, and the State Council shall make decisions on such matters. The competent ministries or commissions may, within the limits of their authority and in accordance with the law and decisions of the State Council, issue orders, instructions and regulations.
第十条居民委员会向居民会议负责并报告工作。    Article 10. The residents committee shall be responsible to the residents assembly and report on its work to the latter.
第十条申请举行集会、游行、示威要求解决具体问题的,主管机关接到申请书后,可以通知有关机关或者单位同集会、游行、示威的负责人协商解决问题,并可以将申请举行的时间推迟五日。    Article 10If an application is made for an assembly, a procession or a demonstration which will press for the settlement of specific issues, the competent authorities may, after receiving the application, inform the departments or units concerned to resolve such issues through consultation with theperson(s) responsible for the assembly, procession or demonstration, and may also postpone for five days the starting date specified in the application.
第十一条信访人采用走访形式提出意见、建议和要求的,应当到有关行政机关设立或者指定的接待场所提出。    Article 11 A complainant choosing to present an opinion, proposal or request through personal appearance shall go to a reception site established or designated by the relevant administrative authority.
第十一条地方性法规可以设定除限制人身自由、吊销企业营业执照以外的行政处罚。    Article 11 Administrative penalties, with the exception of restriction of freedom of person and rescission of business license of an enterprise, may be created in local regulations.
第十一条 地方各级人民代表大会会议每年至少举行一次。    Article 11 Local people's congresses at various levels shall meet in session at least once a year.
第十一条机关、团体、企业事业单位和其他组织必须按照国家规定,定期向档案馆移交档案。    Article 11 State organs, public organizations, enterprises, institutions and other organizations must, in accordance with State regulations, regularly hand over archives to the archives repositories concerned.
第十一条国务院议事协调机构的设立、撤销或者合并,由国务院机构编制管理机关提出方案,报国务院决定。    Article 11 the agency and staffing administration organ of the State Council shall bring forward the proposal for the establishment, dissolution or merger of a deliberation and coordination agency of the State Council, which be submitted to the State Council for a decision.
第十一条设定行政许可,应当遵循经济和社会发展规律,有利于发挥公民、法人或者其他组织的积极性、主动性,维护公共利益和社会秩序,促进经济、社会和生态环境协调发展。    Article 11 The establishment of an administrative license shall be in line with the rule of economic and social development, shall be propitious to the full play of the enthusiasm and initiative of the citizens, legal persons or other institutions, safeguard the public interests and social order, promote the harmonious development of the economy, society and ecological environment
第十一条 人民法院受理公民、法人和其他组织对下列具体行政行为不服提起的诉讼:    Article 11 The people's courts shall accept suits brought by citizens, legal persons or other organizations against any of the following specific administrative acts:
十一、乡(镇)人民政府的印章,直径4.2厘米,中央刊五角星,五角星外刊机关名称,自左而右环行(图十一),由县级人民政府制发。    Article 11 The seal of the people’s government at the township/town level shall be made and distributed by the people’s government at county level with the diameter of 4.2 centimeters, a five-pointed star in the center and the title of the organizations around the five-pointed star from left to right. (See illustration 11)
十一、乡(镇)人民政府的印章,直径4.2厘米,中央刊五角星,五角星外刊机关名称,自左而右环行(图十一),由县级人民政府制发。    Article 11 The seal of the people’s government at the township/town level shall be made and distributed by the people’s government at county level with the diameter of 4.2 centimeters, a five-pointed star in the center and the title of the organizations around the five-pointed star from left to right. (See illustration 11)
第十一条 国家制定统一的统计标准,以保障统计调查中采用的指标涵义、计算方法、分类目录、调查表式和统计编码等方面的标准化。    Article 11 The State shall formulate unified statistical standards to ensure standardization of definitions of statistical items, computing methods, classification catalogues, investigation forms and statistical coding employed in statistical investigations.
第十一条持有《特种行业许可证》或者《公共场所许可证》的单位,应当接受原发证公安部门的年度审核。    Article 11 Those who bear the ""Special Trade License"" or the ""Public Place License"" are subject to the annual examination by the public security bureau who issued the original license.
第十一条 外国航空器或者船舶抵达中国口岸时,其负责人负有下列责任:    Article 11 When a foreign aircraft or vessel arrives at a Chinese port, the person in charge shall fulfill the following obligations:
第十一条 从事国际航行的航空器或者船舶抵达中国口岸时,机长、船长或者代理人必须向过防检查机关提交旅客名单;外国的飞机、船舶还必须提供机组、船员名单。    Article 11 When an aircraft or a vessel navigating international routes arrives at a Chinese port, the captain or his agent must submit a passenger name list to the frontier inspection office; a foreign aircraft or vessel must also provide a name list of its crew members.
第十一条 又聋又哑的人或者盲人,由于生理缺陷的原因而违反治安管理的,不予处罚。    Article 11. A deaf-mute or blind person who violates the administration of public security due to his physiological defects shall not be penalized.
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