八、国务院部委的外事司(局)的印章,直径4.2厘米,中央刊国徽,国徽外刊机关名称,自左而右环行(图七),由国务院制发。 Article 8 The seal of the foreign affairs department/bureau under the administration of the ministries and commissions of the State Council shall be made and distributed by the State Council with the diameter of 4.2 centimeters, a national emblem in the center and the title of the organizations around the national emblem from left to right. (See illustration 7)八、国务院部委的外事司(局)的印章,直径4.2厘米,中央刊国徽,国徽外刊机关名称,自左而右环行(图七),由国务院制发。 Article 8 The seal of the foreign affairs department/bureau under the administration of the ministries and commissions of the State Council shall be made and distributed by the State Council with the diameter of 4.2 centimeters, a national emblem in the center and the title of the organizations around the national emblem from left to right. (See illustration 7)第八条 外国人持有联程客票并已定妥联程座位搭乘国际航班从中国直接过境,在过境城市停留不超过24小时,不出机场的,免办过境签证;要求离开机场的,须向边防检查站申请办理停留许可手续。 Article 8 Transit visas are not required for those aliens who are in immediate transit through China on continued international flights, who hold connecting flight tickets and have seats booked and who stay for not more than 24 hours within the airport of the in-transit city. Aliens wishing to leave the airport shall apply to the border check-posts for stop-over permits.第八条行政处罚的种类: Article 8 Types of administrative penalty shall include:第八条 国务院的组成人员,中央军事委员会的组成人员,最高人民法院院长和最高人民检察院检察长,列席全国人民代表大会会议;其他有关机关、团体的负责人,经主席团决定,可以列席全国人民代表大会会议。 Article 8. Members of the State Council, members of the Central Military Commission, the President of the Supreme People's Court and the Procurator-General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate may attend meetings of the National People's Congress but without voting rights. By decision of the Presidium, responsible officers of other state organs and public organizations may also attend meetings of the National People's Congress without voting rights.第八条 复议机关审理复议案件,不适用调解。 Article 8. The administrative body for reconsideration shall not apply conciliation in handling reconsideration cases.第八条居民委员会主任、副主任和委员,由本居住地区全体有选举权的居民或者由每户派代表选举产生;根据居民意见,也可以由每个居民小组选举代表二至三人选举产生。居民委员会每届任期三年,其成员可以连选连任。 Article 8. The chairman, vice-chairman (vice-chairmen) and members of a residents committee shall be elected by all the residents of a residential area who have the right to elect or by the representatives from all the households; on the basis of the opinions of the residents, they may also be elected by the elected representatives of residents groups numbering 2-3 from each. The term of office of the residents committee shall be three years, and its members may continue to hold office when reelected.第八条 国务院各部、各委员会的设立、撤销或者合并,经总理提出,由全国人民代表大会决定;在全国人民代表大会闭会期间,由全国人民代表大会常务委员会决定。 Article 8. The establishment, dissolution or merger of ministries and commissions of the State Council shall be proposed by the Premier and decided by the National People's Congress or, when the Congress is not in session, by its Standing Committee. 第八条 县级以上各级人民政府监察机关根据工作需要,经本级人民政府批准,可以向政府所属部门派出监察机构或者监察人员。 Article 8. Various levels of supervisory organs under the people's government at county level or higher may, after approval by the same level of people's government, set up supervisory organizations at government departments or dispatch supervisory personnel to government departments according to work requirements.第八条 违反治安管理造成的损失或者伤害,由违反治安管理的人赔偿损失或者负担医疗费用, Article 8. When losses or injuries are caused by acts violating the administration of public security, the offender shall compensate for the loss or bear the medical expenses;第八十条 被许可人有下列行为之一的,行政机关应当依法给予行政处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任: Article 80 Where a licensee commits any of the following acts, he shall be given an administrative punishment by the administrative organ in accordance with the law; if the offense constitutes a crime, it shall be subject to the criminal responsibilities according to law:第八十一条公民、法人或者其他组织未经行政许可,擅自从事依法应当取得行政许可的活动的,行政机关应当依法采取措施予以制止,并依法给予行政处罚;构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。 Article 81 Without an administrative license, any of the citizens, legal persons or other institutions engaged in the activities under an administrative license shall be stopped by the administrative organ in accordance with the law, and shall be given an administrative punishment; those whose violation has constituted any crime shall be subject to criminal responsibilities第八十二条 本法规定的行政机关实施行政许可的期限以工作日计算,不含法定节假日。 Article 82 In the Law, the time limit for the administrative organs to implement an administrative license shall be calculated according to the working days, not including the legal holidays and leaves第八十三条 本法自2004年7月1日起施行。 Article 83 The Law shall be implemented as of July 1, 2004第八条(3)举行集会、游行、示威,必须有负责人。 Article 8There must be a person or persons responsible for the holding of an assembly, a procession or a demonstration.第九条 来中国定居的外国人,申请签证时,应当持有定居身份确认表。定居身份确认表,由申请人向申请定居地的公安机关申请领取。 Article 9 Aliens desiring to reside permanently in China shall, when applying for visas, present status-of-residence identification forms. Applicants may obtain such forms from public security organs at the place where they intend to reside.第九条 依法取得的行政许可,除法律、法规规定依照法定条件和程序可以转让的外,不得转让。 Article 9 An administrative license obtained in accordance with the law shall not be transferred except for those that may be transferred in light of the legal conditions and procedures of the laws and regulations第九条档案工作人员应当忠于职守,遵守纪律,具备专业知识。 Article 9 Archivists shall be devoted to their duty, observe discipline and possess professional knowledge.第九条法律可以设定各种行政处罚。 Article 9 Different types of administrative penalty may be created by law.第九条信访人对各级人民代表大会以及县级以上各级人民代表大会常务委员会、人民法院、人民检察院职权范围内的信访事项,应当分别向有关的人民代表大会及其常务委员会、人民法院、人民检察院提出。 Article 9 If any matter fall into the jurisdiction of the people’s congress at various levels, the standing committee of the people’s congress, the people’s court or the people’s procuratorate at or above the county level, the complaint shall present to the relevant people’s congress and the standing committee thereof, the people’s court or the people’s procuratorate respectively.第九条 当事人在行政诉讼中有权进行辩论。 Article 9 Parties to an administrative suit shall have the right to debate.第九条 统计调查必须按照经过批准的计划进行。统计调查计划按照统计调查项目编制。 Article 9 Statistical investigations shall be conducted in accordance with an approved plan. A statistical investigation plan shall be drawn up according to statistical investigation items.第九条设立国务院组成部门、国务院直属机构、国务院办事机构和国务院组成部门管理的国家行政机构的方案,应当包括下列事项: Article 9 The following items shall be included in the programmer for the establishment of the constituent ministries and commissions of the State Council, the agencies affiliated with the State Council, the administrative offices of the State Council, the State agencies administered by the constituent ministries or commissions of the State Council:第九条 乡、民族乡、镇的人民代表大会行使下列职权: Article 9 The people's congresses of townships, nationality townships, and towns shall exercise the following functions and powers:九、自治州、市、县级(县、自治县、县级市、旗、自治旗、特区、林区,下同)和市辖区人民政府的印章,直径4.5厘米,中央刊国徽,国徽外刊机关名称,自左而右环行(图九),由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府制发。 Article 9 The seals of the people’s government at the autonomous state, city and county (county, autonomous county, city at the county level, banner, autonomous banner, special economic zone, forest area, the same below) level and the people’s government of the districts of the city shall be made and distributed by the people’s government at the province, autonomous region and municipality level with the diameter of 4.5 centimeters, a national emblem in the center and the title of the organizations around the national emblem from left to right.(See illustration 9)