一、 县、自治县、不设区的市、市辖区、乡、民族乡、镇设立选举委员会。县、自治县、不设区的市、市辖区的选举委员会的组成人员由本级人民代表大会常务委员会任命。乡、民族乡、镇的选举委员会的组成人员由县、自治县、不设区的市、市辖区的人民代表大会常务委员会任命。 1. An election committee shall be established in every county, autonomous county, city not divided into districts, municipal district, township, nationality township and town. Members of the election committee in a county, an autonomous county, a city not divided into districts or a municipal district shall be appointed by the standing committee of the people's congress at the corresponding level. Members of the election committee in a township, a minority nationality township or a town shall be appointed by the standing committee of the people's congress of a county, an autonomous county, a city not divided into districts or a municipal district.(四)行政许可依法被撤销、撤回,或者行政许可证件依法被吊销的; 10/12 (4) An administrative license is annulled or withdrawn, or the certificate for administrative license is revoked in light of the law;(三)场所内不得从事色情、卖淫嫖娼、赌博、吸毒、贩毒以及其他违法犯罪活动; 3. Activities like salacity, pornography, prostitution, gambling, drug abuse , drug trade and other criminal behaviors are prohibited within the public place;公民、法人或者其他组织对行政机关作出的行政处罚,有权申诉或者检举;行政机关应当认真审查,发现行政处罚有错误的,应当主动改正。 A citizen, a legal person or other organization shall have the right to make an appeal or accusation against an administrative penalty imposed by an administrative organ. The administrative organ shall carefully examine the appeal or accusation, and when it finds that the administrative penalty is wrong, it shall take the initiative to correct it.罚款、拘留须经人民法院院长批准。当事人对决定不服的,可以申请复议。 A fine or detention must be approved by the president of a people's court. Parties who refuse to accept the punishment decision may apply for reconsideration.办公厅、办公室设主任,在必要的时候可以设副主任。 A general office shall have a director and, when necessary, deputy directors.律师、社会团体、提起诉讼的公民的近亲属或者所在单位推荐的人,以及经人民法院许可的其他公民,可以受委托为诉讼代理人。 A lawyer, a public organization, a near relative of the citizen bringing the suit, or a person recommended by the unit to which the citizen bringing the suit belongs or any other citizen approved by the people's court may be entrusted as an agent ad litem.县级以上的地方各级人民政府、人民代表大会各专门委员会,可以向本级人民代表大会常务委员会提出属于常务委员会职权范围内的议案,由主任会议决定提请常务委员会会议审议,或者先交有关的专门委员会审议、提出报告,再提请常务委员会会议审议。 A local people's government at or above the county level or a special committee of the people's congress at the corresponding level may submit bills and proposals to its standing committee within its scope of functions and powers. The council of chairmen shall decide to refer them to a meeting of the standing committee for deliberation or to first refer them to relevant special committees for deliberation and reports before submitting them to a meeting of the standing committee for deliberation.地方性法规可以在法律、行政法规设定的行政许可事项范围内,对实施该行政许可作出具体规定。 A local regulation may, within the scope of the matters of administrative license established by the laws and administrative regulations, make specific requirements for the implementation of the administrative license常务委员会的组成人员不得担任国家行政机关、审判机关和检察机关的职务;如果担任上述职务,必须向常务委员会辞去常务委员会的职务。 A member of the Standing Committee may not hold office in the administrative, judicial or procuratorial organs of the state. If he expects to hold such an office, he must first resign from his post in the Standing Committee.人民法院有权向有关行政机关以及其他组织、公民调取证据。 A people's court shall have the authority to obtain evidence from the relevant administrative organs, other organizations or citizens.居民委员会管理本居民委员会的财产,任何部门和单位不得侵犯居民委员会的财产所有权。 A residents committee shall manage its own property; no department or unit may infringe upon its right of ownership of property.经过五分之一以上代表提议,可以临时召集本级人民代表大会会议。 A session of a local people's congress may be convened at any time upon the proposal of one-fifth of its deputies.国务院设立国家统计局,负责组织领导和协调全国统计工作。 A State Statistics Bureau shall be established under the State Council to be responsible for organizing, directing and coordinating the statistical work throughout the country.期间不包括在途时间。 A time period shall not include traveling time.裁决书一式三份。一份交给被裁决人,一份交给被裁决人的所在单位,一份交给被裁决人的常住地公安派出所。单位和常住地公安派出所应当协助执行裁决。 A written ruling on the punishment should be made and declared to the offender immediately. Three copies of such a ruling shall be made and distributed among the offender himself, his work unit and the local police station of his permanent abode. The enforcement of the ruling shall be assisted by his work unit and the local police station.⒈主要证据不足的; a. inadequacy of essential evidence;公安、检察院、法院和工商行政管理部门依据国家法律、法规和具有法律效力的规章而收取的行政性收费和罚没收入都是国家财政性资金。 Administrative charges and incomes from fines and confiscations collected by departments of public security, procuratorates, courts and administrative departments for industry and commerce in accordance with state laws, regulations and rules with legal effect should be all included in state financial capital.行政机关不得因当事人申辩而加重处罚。 Administrative organs shall not impose heavier penalties on the parties just because the parties have tried to defend themselves.限制人身自由的行政处罚,只能由法律设定。 Administrative penalty involving restriction of freedom of person shall only be created by law.没有法定依据或者不遵守法定程序的,行政处罚无效。 Administrative penalty that is not imposed in accordance with law or in compliance with legal procedures shall be invalid.中华人民共和国行政诉讼法 ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURE LAW OF THE PEOPLE'S REPUBLIC OF CHINA中华人民共和国行政监察法 Administrative Supervision Law of the People's Republic of China被申请人赔偿损失后,应当责令有故意或者重大过失的行政机关工作人员承担部分或者全部赔偿费用。 After making the compensation, the defending party shall instruct working personnel of the administrative body, who have committed intentional or gross mistakes in the case, to bear part or all of the damages.行政机关赔偿损失后,应当责令有故意或者重大过失的行政机关工作人员承担部分或者全部赔偿费用。 After paying the compensation, the administrative organ shall instruct those members of its personnel who have committed intentional or gross mistakes in the case to bear part or all of the damages.