- 台湾司法院双语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 无权占有 unauthorized possession
- 不堪同居之虐待 unbearable mistreatment incohabitation
- 违宪 unconstitutional
- 地下设施物 underground facilities
- 未分配盈余 undistributed earnings
- 统一解释 unified interpretation
- 统一发票 uniform invoice
- 违反道路交通管理事件统一裁罚标准及处理细则 Uniform Punishment Standard Forms and Rules for Handling the Matters of Violating Road Traffic Regulations
- 违反道路交通管理事件统一裁罚标准表 Uniform Punishment Standards for Handling the Matters of Violating Road Traffic Regulations
- 单方行政行为 unilateral administrative action
- 股长 Unit Chief
- 联合国 United Nations
- 大学法 University Act
- 大学自治 university self-government
- 不当得利 Unjust Enrichment
- 公法上之不当得利 unjust enrichment in public law
- 告诉不合法 unlawful complaint
- 未上市公司 unlisted companies
- 未登记不动产 unregistered estate
- 产业升级 upgrading industries
- 都市计划 urban planning
- 都市计划法 Urban Planning Act
- 市区道路条例 Urban Roads Act
- 采验尿液 Urine sample gathering
- 采尿室 Urine Sample Gathering Room
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