- 台湾司法院双语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 宣誓条例 Oath Act
- 保证债务 obligation based on guaranty
- 猥亵出版品 obscene publications
- 猥亵 obscenity
- 观察指认室 Observation and Identification Room
- 职业灾害劳工保护法 Occupational Accident Labor Protection Act
- 抽象危险犯 offender of abstract danger
- 妨害农工商罪 Offenses Against Agriculture, industry & Commerce
- 内乱、外患罪 offenses against internal and external security
- 妨害婚姻及家庭罪 Offenses Against Marriage and Family
- 妨害自由罪 Offenses Against Personal Liberty
- 妨害名誉及信用罪 Offenses Against Personal Reputation & Credits
- 公共危险罪 Offenses Against Public Safety
- 亵渎祀典及侵害 Offenses Against Religion, Graves, and Corpses
- 妨害性自主罪 Offenses Against Sexual Autonomy
- 妨害风化罪 Offenses Against Sexual Morality
- 遗弃罪 Offenses of Abandonment
- 堕胎罪 Offenses of Abortion
- 背信罪 Offenses of Breach of Trust
- 伤害罪 Offenses of Causing Bodily Harm
- 藏匿人犯及湮灭证据罪 Offenses of Concealment of Offenders and Destruction of Evidence
- 伪造货币罪 Offenses of Counterfeiting Currency
- 伪造有价证券罪 Offenses of Counterfeiting Valuable Securities
- 毁弃损坏罪 Offenses of Destruction, Abandonment, and Damage of Property
- 脱逃罪 Offenses of Escape
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