- 台湾司法院双语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 事假 Paid Leave for Personal Affair
- 有给职 paid position
- 已收资本 paid-in capital
- 亲权 parental rights
- 亲职教育 Parenting Education
- 停车场 Parking Lot
- 中央民意机构 parliament; national legislative bodies
- 国会自治 parliamentary autonomy
- 国会参与决策权 parliamentary power of decision-making participation
- 契约当事人 parties of the contract
- 胜败互见 Partly Winning Suit and Partly Losing Suit
- 合伙 Partnership
- 惩戒处分议决 passing of a resolution to discipline
- 消极利益 passive interest
- 护照条例 Passport Act
- 专利 patent
- 专利法 Patent Act
- 专利权 Patent-right
- 专利权人 patentee
- 典押当业 pawn business
- 俸给 Pay
- 缴纳契税 payment of deed tax
- 得易科罚金 Penalties May be Commuted to Fines
- 行政秩序罚;秩序罚 penalty for offense against the order of administration
- 处罚规定 penalty provision
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