- 台湾司法院双语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 废弃(撤销)原判 Revocation of Previous Judgment
- 撤销登记 revocation of registration
- 撤销缓刑 revocation of the probation
- 接近使用传播媒体之权利 right of access to the media
- 姓名权 right of an individual to select one's own name
- 上诉/抗告权 right of appeal
- 典权 right of dien
- 平等权 right of equality
- 别除权 right of exclusion
- 别除权 right of exclusion
- 优先承受权 right of first refusal
- 继承权 right of inheritance
- 诉讼权 right of instituting legal proceedings
- 隐私权 right of privacy
- 罢免权 right of recall
- 工作权 right of work
- 与证人对质之权利 right to confront with the witness
- 生存权 right to life
- 赎回不动产的权利 right to redeem
- 回复请求权 right to repossession
- 从事于公务之权利 right to serve in public service
- 司法上受益权 right to the benefit of justice
- 遗产上权利 right to the estate
- 商标专用权 right to the exclusive use of trademark
- 使用收益权 right to use and collect benefits