- 台湾司法院双语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 离婚后子女探视权 right to visit children after divorce
- 诉愿及诉讼之权利 rights of lodging complaints and instituting legal proceedings
- 道路交通管理 road traffic regulation
- 惩治盗匪条例 Robbery Punishment Act
- 中华民国总统 ROC President
- 警卫值班室 Room of Security Guard on Duty
- 收付实现原则 rule of income and disbursement realization
- 经验法则 rule of thumb (erfahrungsmasig)
- 邮政规则 Rules Governing the Administration of Post Offices
- 货物税稽征规则 Rules Governing the Levy of Taxes on Commodity
- 民用航空运输业管理规则 Rules Governing the Management of the Business of Civil Aviation
- 公务员请假规则 Rules Governing the Public Functionaries’ Request for Leave
- 寺庙登记规则 Rules Governing the Registration of Temple
- 典押当业管理规则 Rules Governing the Supervision of the Pawnshops
- 总统副总统选举联署及查核办法 Rules on Joint Endorsement and Its Verification for Presidential and Vice Presidential Election
- 裁定 ruling
- 裁定 ruling
当前第8页 共8页