- 台湾司法院双语词汇 A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- 一事不再理 res judicata
- 撤销或废止 rescission or repeal (cancellation or abolishment)
- 研究发展费用 research and development expenses
- 研考科 Research and Evaluation Section
- 预备军官 reserve military officers
- 公共设施保留地 reserved land for public facilities
- 自用住宅用地 residential land for own use
- 辞职 Resignation
- 负责人 responsible person
- 公司负责人 responsible person of the corporation
- 餐厅 Restaurant
- 盥洗室 Restroom
- 裁判结果 Results of Judgments and Rulings
- 留职停薪 Retain the Position without Pay
- 退休 Retirement
- 声请再审案件 Retrial Petition Cases
- 溯及适用 retroactive application
- 溯及既往 retroactive effect; retroactivity
- 岁入 revenue
- 废弃 reverse
- 审核 review
- 复查 review
- 阅卷 Reviewing Case Files and Documents
- 撤销 revocation
- 第三人撤销诉讼 Revocation Action by a Third Party