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台湾司法院双语词汇    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


警察刑事纪录证明核发条例    Act Governing Issuance of Police Criminal Record Certificates
陆海空军奖励条例    Act Governing Medal of Honor of the Armed Forces
军人及其家属优待条例    Act Governing Preferential Treatment to Military Soldiers and Their Dependents
耕地三七五减租条例    Act Governing Reduction of Farm Rent to 37.5 Percent
台湾地区与大陆地区人民关系条例    Act Governing Relations between People of the Taiwan Area and Mainland Area
台湾地区与大陆地区人民关系条例    Act Governing Relations between People of the Taiwan Area and Mainland Area
香港澳门关系条例    Act Governing Relations with Hong Kong and Macau
第一届国民大会代表出缺递补补充条例    Act Governing Replacement of Any Vacant Seat of the First Term National Assembly
典试法    Act Governing the Administration of Examination
邮政法    Act Governing the Administration of Post Offices
财政收支划分法    Act Governing the Allocation of Government Revenues and Expenditures
陆海空军军官士官任官条例    Act Governing the Appointment of Armed Forces Military Officers and Sergeants
审计人员任用条例    Act Governing the Appointment of Audit Personnel
工程受益费征收条例    Act Governing the Collection of Community Development Fees by Construction Projects
国民大会代表报酬及费用支给条例    Act Governing the Compensation and Fees for the National Assembly Delegates
学位授与法    Act Governing the Conferment of Academic Degree
枪炮弹药刀械管制条例    Act Governing the Control and Prohibition of Gun, Cannon, Ammunition, and Knife.
公营事业移转民营条例    Act Governing the Conversion of State Owned Enterprises into Private Enterprises
法律施行日期条例    Act Governing the Date for Enforcement of Law
新市镇开发条例    Act Governing the Development of New Urban Centers
政风机构人员设置条例    Act Governing the Establishment of the Government Employee Ethics Units and Officers
中华民国专属经济海域及大陆礁层法    Act Governing the Exclusive Economic Zone and the Continental Shelf of the Republic of China
反共抗俄战士授田条例    Act Governing the Farmland Grants to Anti-Communist and Anti-Soviet Union Soldiers
公文程序条例    Act Governing the Forms of Official Documents
战士授田凭据处理条例    Act Governing the Handling of Land Grant Certificates to Soldiers
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