(一)危害园家安全或者社会公共利益; (1) Endanger national security or social and public interests;(一)生产第二部分第四项所述固体推进剂的设备 (1) Equipment for production of solid propellants listed in Item 4 of Part II:(一)揭发、检举危害国家安全的其他犯罪分子,情况属实的; (1) Exposing or reporting other criminals who endanger State security, and the exposure and charge is proved true;(十)具有专门设计的整体结构支承件的电子装置和部件 (10)Electronic devices and components with specially designed integrated support;(二)八十厘米; (2) Eighty centimetres; and(二)在军事禁区外围安全控制范围内,或者在没有划入军事禁区、军事管理区的军事设施一定距离内,进行危害军事设施安全和使用效能的活动。不听制止的;? (2) Engaging in activities that endanger the security and effective utilization of military installations in the security control area surrounding the military restricted zone or within a certain distance of the military installations not included in the military restricted zone or the military administrative zone, and refusing to be stopped;(二)中华人民共和国主席、全国人民代表大会常务委员会委员长、国务院总理、中央军事委员会主席、最高人民法院院长和最高人民检察院检察长以职务名义对外使用的信封、信笺、请柬等; (2) Envelopes, correspondence paper and invitation cards used in foreign affairs by the President of the People's Republic of China, the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the Premier of the State Council, the Chairman of the Central Military Commission, the President of the Supreme People's Court and the Procurator-General of the Supreme People's Procuratorate in their respective capacities;(二)生产第二部分第三项中所述液体推进剂的设备 (2) Equipment for producing liquid propellant in Item 3 of Part II:(三)用于获取情报的电子监听、截收器材; (3) Electronic surveillance and intercepting devices specially used for acquiring intelligence; and(三)进行破坏、危害军事设施的活动的。? (3) Engaging in activities that damage or endanger military installations.(三)与境外机构、组织、个人建立联系,取得支持、帮助,进行危害国家安全活动。 (3) Establishing relations with and acquiring support and assistance from institutions, organizations or individuals beyond the territory to conduct activities endangering State security.(三)利用设立社会团体或者企业事业组织,进行危害国家安全活动的; (3) Establishing social organizations, enterprises or institutional organizations in order to engage in activities endangering the State security;(四)生产复合材料部件的设备和技术 (4) Equipment and technology for production of composite component:(五)在教育、动员、组织本单位的人员防范、制止危害国家安全行为的工作中,成绩显著的。 (5) Educating, mobilizing and organizing the personnel of one’s unit to prevent or check the occurrence of activities which endanger State security and having outstanding achievements in doing so.(五)超越核定的经营范围经营; (5) Exceed the defined and approved scope of activities;(七)排除传导热的电子装置和部件 (7) Electronic devices and components removed of conductive heat;(七)为上述第(三)项专门设计的电子设备 (7) Electronic equipment specially designed for Subitem (3);(九)能可靠地在超过125摄氏度温度下短期工作的电子装置和部件 (9) Electronic assemblies and components operating at temperatures in excess of 125 °C for a short period of time;5、样机的装配和试验 (e) Assembly and testing of prototypes5、碳纤维增强的复合材料 (e) Carbon-fibre-reinforced composite;5、咨询服务 (e) Consulting services5、生产聚合纤维(如聚丙烯腈、粘胶和聚碳硅烷)的设备,包括在加热过程中对纤维施加张力的专门设备 (e) Equipment for converting polymeric fibres (such as polyacrylonitrile, rayon or polycarbosilane) including special provision to strain the fibre during heating;5、计算公式 (e) Formulae5、生产固体推进剂用的贮运设备 (e) Handling equipment for production of solid propellant;5、检验 (e) Inspection语际翻译 版权所有
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