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??? (十二)违反本法关于海关监管的其他规定,致使海关不能或者中断对进出境运输工具、货物、物品实施监管的。    (12) Violations of other Customs control regulations contained in this Law that result in failure or suspension of Customs control over inbound and outbound means of transport, goods and articles.
(二)能够施加等于或大于100千牛顿的力并且使用数控技术的振动试验设备,以及专门为此设计的辅助设备和软件    (2) Vibration test systems capable of providing a force of 100kN or more and incorporating a digital controller, as well as specially designed vibration test auxiliaries and software;
十一、为第一项的运输、装卸、控制、待发射和发射而设计或改进的车辆    11. Vehicles designed or modified for the transport, handling, control, activation and launching of the systems in Item 1.
(五)本条例第六条规定的保证文书;    5. Vouchers prescribed in Article 6; and
第五章法律责任    V. Legal Responsibilities
十一、为第一项的运输、装卸、控制、待发射和发射而设计或改进的车辆    Vehicles designed or modified for the transport, handling, control, activation and launching of the systems in Item 1
第六章附则    VI. Appendix
(二)能够施加等于或大于100千牛顿的力并且使用数控技术的振动试验设备,以及专门为此设计的辅助设备和软件    Vibration test systems capable of providing a force of 100kN or more and incorporating a digital controller, as well as specially designed vibration test auxiliaries and software;
  志愿兵在服现役期间,参战或者因公致残、积劳成疾基本丧失工作能力的,办理退休手续,由原征集的县、自治县、市、市辖区的人民政府或者其直系亲属所在地的县、自治县、市、市辖区的人民政府接收安置。    Volunteers who have basically lost their ability to work because they were disabled while taking part in military operations or performing military duties or because their health broke down as a result of constant overwork during the period of their active service shall go through the procedures of retirement and shall be accepted and taken care of by the people's governments of the counties, autonomous counties, cities or municipal districts where they were enlisted or where their lineal relatives reside.
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