

(六)""技术援助""是指:    ""Technical assistance"" may take forms such as:
(五)""技术资料""是指下列形式:    ""Technical data"" may take forms such as:
(一)""技术""是指""研制""、""生产""或""使用""本清单所列物项所需要,并可以""技术资料""或""技术援助""的形式传授的专门知识。但""技术""不包括""公开领域技术""或""基础科学研究""中的技术。    ""Technology"" means specific information which is required for the ""development"", ""production"" or ""use"" of a product. The information may take the form of ""technical data"" or ""technical assistance"". But “technology” does not include technology ""in the public domain"" nor ""basic scientific research""
(一)“技术”是指“研制”、“生产”或“使用”本清单所列物项所需要,并可以“技术资料”或“技术援助”的形式传授的专门知识。    (1) ""Technology"" means specific information which is required for the ""development"", ""production"" or ""use"" of a product. The information may take the form of ""technical data"" or ""technical assistance"".
  (一)积极参加社会主义现代化建设,带头完成生产和各项任务;    (1) take an active part in the socialist modernization and be exemplary in completing the tasks in production and other fields;
(一)城建、公用、电力等部门组建抢险抢修队;    (1) The departments for urban construction, public utilities and power supply shall organize teams to deal with emergencies and do rush repairs;
(一)中华人民共和国;    (1) The People's Republic of China;
(一)国务院总理、外交部长;    (1) The Premier of the State council and the Minister of Foreign Affairs;
(一)接受方保证,不将中国供应的核两用品及相关技术用于核爆炸目的;    (1) The recipient side guarantees not to use the dual-purpose nuclear goods and correlated technologies from China for conducting nuclear explosions;
(一)北京天安门城楼,人民大会堂;    (1) The rostrum of Tian' anmen and the Great Hall of the People in Beijing;
(一)全国人民代表大会常务委员会,国务院,中央军事委员会,最高人民法院,最高人民检察院;    (1) The Standing Committee of the National People's Congress, the State Council, the Central Military Commission, the Supreme People's Court and the Supreme People's Procuratorate;
(一)县级以上各级人民代表大会常务委员会;    (1) The standing committees of the people's congresses at or above the county level;
一、中国人的近亲属;    (1) they are near relatives of Chinese nationals;
(一)非经原确定密级的机关、单位或者其上级机关批准,不得复制和摘抄;    (1) They shall not be copied or extracted without approval by the state organ or unit that determined their categories or by superior departments;
(一)有助于接受国的正当自卫能力;    (1) They should assist the recipient country to develop its legitimate self-defense capabilities;
(一)北京天安门广场、新华门;    (1) Tiananmen Square and Xinhuamen in Beijing;
(一)加入属于本法第七条第二款所列范围的多边条约和重要协定,由外交部或者国务院有关部门会同外交部审查后,提出建议,报请国务院审核;由国务院提请全国人民代表大会常务委员会作出加入的决定。加入书由外交部长签署,具体手续由外交部办理;    (1) To accede to a multilateral treaty or an important multilateral agreement listed in Paragraph 2, Article 7 of this Law, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the department concerned under the State Council in conjunction with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs shall make a recommendation after examination and submit it to the State Council, Whereupon the State Council shall, after review, submit it to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for decision on accession. The instrument of accession shall be signed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs, and the specific procedures executed by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs.
(一)禁止或者限制集会、游行、示威、街头讲演以及其他聚众活动;    (1) to ban or restrict assembly, procession, demonstration, street speeches, and other mass activities;
(一)忠于祖国,履行职责,维护祖国的安全、荣誉和利益,维护香港的安全;    (1) to be loyal to their motherland, perform their functions and responsibilities, maintain the security, honour and interests of their motherland, and safeguard the security of Hong Kong;
??? (一)检查进出境运输工具,查验进出境货物、物品;对违反本法或者其他有关法律、法规的,可以扣留。    (1) To check the inbound and outbound means of transport, examine inbound and outbound goods and articles; to detain those in violation of this Law or other related laws and regulations;
  (一)鼓励和推动两岸人员往来,增进了解,增强互信;    (1) to encourage and facilitate personnel exchanges across the Straits for greater mutual understanding and mutual trust;
??? (一)直接向走私人非法收购国家禁止进口的物品的,或者直接向走私人非法收购走私进口的其他货物、物品,数额较大的;    (1) To purchase directly and illegally from the smuggler articles which are prohibited by the State from importation, or to purchase directly and illegally from the smuggler other smuggled goods and articles in relatively large quantities or of relative high value.
??? (一)运输、携带、邮寄国家禁止进出口的毒品、武器、伪造货币进出境的,以牟利、传播为目的运输、携带、邮寄淫秽物品进出境的,或者运输、携带、邮寄国家禁止出口的文物出境的;    (1) To transport, carry or send by post into or out of the territory drugs, weapons and counterfeit currencies which are prohibited by the State from importation or exportation; to transport, carry or send by post obscene objects into or out of the territory aiming at commercial gain or dissemination, or to transport, carry or send by post out of the territory precious cultural relics which are prohibited by the State from exportation;
(一)安装在火箭系统或无人驾驶航空飞行器上的采用转发器的跟踪系统,它连同地面或空中的参考基准或导航卫星系统可提供飞行中位置和速度的实时测量数据    (1) Tracking systems which use a translator installed on the rocket system or unmanned air vehicle in conjunction with either surface or airborne references or navigation satellite systems to provide real-time measurements of in-flight position and velocity;
(一)商标、广告;    (1) Trademarks or advertisements;
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