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(四)""使用""是指:    ""Use"" means:
  (二)担负战备勤务,保卫边疆,维护社会治安;    (2) undertake the duties related to preparations against war, defend the frontiers and maintain public order; and
(二)偏二甲肼    (2) Unsymmetric dimethylhydrazine (UDMH);
(四)“使用”是指:    (4) ""Use"" means:
(五)占用人民防空通信专用频率、使用与防空警报相同的音响信号或者擅自拆除人民防空通信、警报设备设施的;    (5) using the special frequency for civil air defense communications or the same acoustic signals as those used for air defense warning or dismantling, without approval, equipment or facilities for civil air defense communications and warning;
在非常紧急的情况下,执行戒严任务的人民警察、人民武装警察、人民解放军的现场指挥员可以直接决定临时征用,地方人民政府应当给予协助。    Under conditions of unusual emergencies, on-the-spot commanders of the People's Police, the People's Armed-police and the People's Liberation Army may make immediate decisions on temporary requisition of things, and the local people's government shall give assistance.
国家原子能机构、国防科学技术工业委员会、对外贸易经济合作部因特殊情况,需要延长审查或者复审期限的,可以延长15个工作日,但是应当通知申请人。    Under special circumstances, if the CAEA, COSTIND, as well as MOFTEC need to extend the appraisal or review period, they can extend it for another 15 working days. But they shall notify the applicant of such an extension.
对在测绘工作和有关的科学技术研究等方面做出显著成绩的单位和个人,给予奖励。    Units and individuals that have made outstanding achievements in surveying and mapping work and related scientific and technological research shall be awarded.
(二)偏二甲肼    Unsymmetric dimethylhydrazine (UDMH);
有关部门和地方人民政府收到军品出口通知后,应当按照国家有关规定认真履行职责,保证军品出口的安全、迅速、准确。    Upon receipt of such notification, the departments and local people's governments concerned shall seriously fulfill their duties in accordance with the relevant State provisions to ensure the safety, promptness and accuracy of military exports.
??? 经收发货人申请,海关同意,进口货物的收货人可以在设有海关的指运地、出口货物的发货人可以在设有海关的启运地办理海关手续。上述货物的转关运输,应当符合海关监管要求;必要时,海关可以派员押运。    Upon the application of consignee or consignor, and being approved by the Customs, formalities for import goods may be completed at the place of destination, and for export goods, at the place of departure, provided that these places have a Customs office. The transport of such goods from one Customs to another shall comply with the Customs control requirements. When deemed necessary, such conveyance shall be done under the escort of a Customs officer.
??? 经收发货人申请,海关总署批准,其进出口货物可以免验。    Upon the application of the consignee or consignor and being approved by the Customs General Administration, import or export goods may be exempted from examination.
??? 货物、物品装卸完毕,运输工具负责人应当向海关递交反映实际装卸情况的交接单据和记录。    Upon the completion of loading or discharging of such goods and articles, the carrier shall submit to the Customs the delivery receipt and records containing the actual situation.
  义务兵服现役期满,根据军队的需要和本人自愿,可以超期服现役。超期服现役的期限:陆军一年至二年;海军、空军一年。    Upon the expiration of his active service, a conscript may, according to the need of the armed forces and on a voluntary basis, extend his service. The extended period of service shall be one to two years in the army and one year in the navy and the air force.
5、铀    Uranium;
使用军事禁区的摄影、摄像、录音、勘察、测量、描绘和记述资料,应当经军区级以上军事机关审查同意。?    Use of materials from photographing, video-taping, recording, reconnoitering, surveying, drawing and describing of the military restricted zones shall be subject to examination and approval by the military authorities at or above the military area command level.
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