(一)武器、弹药; (1) weapons and ammunition;(一)公民或者戒严执勤人员的生命安全受到暴力危害时; (1) when the safety of the lives of citizens or martial-law-enforcing officers are endangered by violence;(一)以中华人民共和国名义或者中华人民共和国政府名义缔结条约、协定,由外交部或者国务院有关部门报请国务院委派代表。代表的全权证书由国务院总理签署,也可以由外交部长签署; (1) With respect to the conclusion of a treaty or agreement in the name of the People's Republic of China or the government of the People's Republic of China, a representative shall be appointed by the State Council upon recommendation by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the department concerned under the State Council. The full powers of the representative shall be signed by the Premier of the State Council, but may also be signed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs.(一)以中华人民共和国名义谈判和签署条约、协定,由外交部或者国务院有关部门会同外交部提出建议并拟订条约、协定的中方草案,报请国务院审核决定; (1) With respect to the negotiation and signing of treaties and agreements in the name of the People's Republic of China, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, or the departments concerned under the State Council in conjunction with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, shall make a recommendation and work out the draft treaty or agreement of the Chinese side, and submit it to the State Council for examination and decision;(十二)弹头保险、解保、引信和起爆装置 (12) Warhead safing, arming, fuzing, and firing mechanisms;(二)拘留、逮捕、押解人犯,遇有暴力抗拒、行凶或者脱逃时; (2) when persons subject to detention or arrest or offenders under escort resort to violence in resistance, commit physical assault or try to escape;(二)以中华人民共和国政府部门名义缔结协定,由部门首长委派代表。代表的授权证书由部门首长签署。部门首长签署以本部门名义缔结的协定,各方约定出具全权证书的,全权证书由国务院总理签署,也可以由外交部长签署。 (2) With respect to the conclusion of an agreement in the name of a government department of the People's Republic of China, a representative shall be appointed by the head of the department concerned. The letter of authorization for the representative shall be signed by the head of the department. When the contracting parties agree that it is necessary for the head of the department to produce full powers for singing an agreement concluded in the name of the department, the full powers shall be signed by the Premier of the State Council, but may also be signed by the Minister of Foreign Affairs.(二)以中华人民共和国政府名义谈判和签署条约、协定,由外交部提出建议并拟订条约、协定的中方草案,或者由国务院有关部门提出建议并拟订条约、协定的中方草案,同外交部会商后,报请国务院审核决定。属于具体业务事项的协定,经国务院同意,协定的中方草案由国务院有关部门审核决定,必要时同外交部会商; (2) With respect to the negotiations and signing of treaties and agreements in the name of the Government of the People's Republic of China, the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or the departments concerned under the State Council after consultation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, shall make a recommendation and work out the draft of the Chinese side and submit it to the State Council for examination and decision. With respect to agreements concerning specific business affairs, with the consent of the State Council, the draft agreement of the Chinese side shall be examined and decided upon by the departments concerned under the State Council or in consultation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs when necessary; (三)义务兵退出现役后,报考高等院校和中等专业学校,在和其他考生同等条件,优先录取。 (3) When conscripts discharged from active service take entrance examinations for institutions of higher learning or secondary vocational schools, they shall enjoy enrollment priority over contenders who are equally qualified in other respects.(三)遇暴力抢夺武器、弹药时; (3) when persons use violence to seize weapons and ammunition;(三)超音速(马赫数为1.4至5)和高超音速(马赫数为5至15)的风洞,但专门设计用于教学目的和试验区的尺寸(在内部测得的)小于25厘米的风洞除外 (3) Wind-tunnel for supersonic (Mach 1.4 to 5) or hypersonic (Mach 5 to 15) speeds except those specially designed for teaching and those with the test area dimensions smaller than 25 cm (measured internally);(三)以中华人民共和国政府部门名义谈判和签署属于本部门职权范围内事项的协定,由本部门决定或者本部门同外产部会商后决定;涉及重大问题或者涉及国务院其他有关部门职权范围的,由本部门或者本部门同国务院其他有关部门会商后,报请国务院决定。协定的中方草案由本部门审核决定,必要时同外交部会商。 (3) With respect to the negotiations and signing of agreements in the name of a government department of the People's Republic of China concerning matters within the functional competence of the department concerned, the decision shall be made by the department or in consultation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs. In the cases of an agreement involving matters of major importance or matters falling within the functional competence of other departments under the State Council, the department concerned or in consultation with the other departments concerned the State Council, shall submit it to the State Council for decision. The draft agreement of the Chinese side shall be examined and decided upon by the department concerned or in consultation with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs when necessary.(四)警卫的重要对象、目标受到暴力袭击,或者有受到暴力袭击的紧迫危险时; (4) when important objects under guard are assaulted by violence or are in imminent danger of being assaulted by violence;(五)在执行消防、抢险、救护作业以及其他重大紧急任务中,受到严重暴力阻挠时; (5) when, in the course of fighting a fire, rushing to deal with an emergency, rescuing people or performing other major urgent tasks, they are obstructed by extreme violence; or(十二)弹头保险、解保、引信和起爆装置 Warhead safing, arming, fuzing, and firing mechanisms;举行升旗仪式时,在国旗升起的过程中,参加者应当面向国旗肃立致敬,并可以奏国歌或者唱国歌。 When a Flag-hoisting ceremony is held, persons present shall face the Flag and stand at attention to salute the Flag, and the National Anthem may be played or sung while the National Flag is being hoisted.携带属于国家秘密的文件、资料和其他物品外出不得违反有关保密规定。 When carrying documents and other material and objects classified as state secrets on official tours, no one shall go against the relevant security regulations.升起时,必须将国旗升至杆顶;降下时,不得使国旗落地。 When hoisted, the National Flag must reach the peak of the staff; when lowered, it may not touch the ground.国家秘密事项在保密期限内不需要继续保密的,原确定密级和保密期限的机关、单位或者其上级机关应当及时解密。 When it is found, before the expiration of the period for guarding a state secret that it is no longer necessary to guard it as such, it should be declassified without delay by the state organ or unit that determined its category and defined the period for guarding it or by a superior department.省、自治区、直辖市的范围内部分地区的戒严,由国务院决定,国务院总理发布戒严令。 When it is necessary to impose martial law in part(s) of a province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government, the matter shall be decided on by the State Council, and the Premier of the State Council shall proclaim the order of martial law.县级以上地方各级人民政府根据需要可以组织试鸣防空警报;并在试鸣的五日以前发布公告。 When necessary, the local people's governments at or above the county level may organize trial air defense warning and shall make it known to the public five days before the trial.必要时,国务院可以向中央军事委员会提出,由中央军事委员会决定派出人民解放军协助执行戒严任务。 When necessary, the State Council may make a suggestion to the Central Military Commission that it decide to dispatch troops of the People's Liberation Army to help perform the martial law tasks.对是否属于国家秘密和属于何种密级不明确的事项,由国家保密工作部门,省、自治区、直辖市的保密工作部门,省、自治区政府所在地的市和经国务院批准的较大的市的保密工作部门或者国家保密工作部门审定的机关确定。 When people are not sure whether a certain matter is a state secret or which category of state secrets it should be classified into, the question shall be determined by the state secret-guarding department, the secret-guarding department of a province, an autonomous region or a municipality directly under the Central Government, the secret-guarding department of a city where the government of a province or an autonomous region is located, the secret-guarding department of a larger city approved by the State Council, or an organ examined and approved by the state secret-guarding department.戒严执勤人员执行戒严任务时,应当佩带由戒严实施机关统一规定的标志。 When performing martial law tasks, martial-law-enforcing officers shall wear uniform insignias as required by the martial-law-executing organ.在人民警察、人民武装警察力量还不足以维持社会秩序时,可以报请国务院向中央军事委员会提出,由中央军事委员会决定派出人民解放军协助当地人民政府恢复和维持正常社会秩序。 When the forces of the People's Police and the People's Armed-police are not enough to maintain public order, the matter may be reported to the State Council, and the State Council may make a suggestion to the Central Military Commission that it decide to dispatch troops of the People's Liberation Army to help the local people's government restore and maintain normal public order.