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(二)""研制""是指生产以前的所有阶段,如:    ""Development"" is related to all phases prior to ""production"" such as:
(一)破坏军事设施的;?    (1) Damaging military installations;
(一)破坏军事设施的;?    (1) Damaging military installations;
(一)刑事案件的被告人和公安机关或者人民检察院或者人民法院认定的犯罪嫌疑人;    (1) defendants in criminal cases or criminal suspects confirmed by a public security organ, a people's procuratorate or a people's court;
(一)陶瓷防热部件的设计与制造技术    (1) Design and manufacturing technology for ceramic heat shields;
(十五)保护电子设备和电气系统免受外部电磁脉冲和电磁干扰危害的设计技术    (15) Design technology for protection of avionics and electrical subsystems against electromagnetic pulse and electromagnetic interference hazards from external sources:
(二)“研制”是指生产以前的所有阶段,如:    (2) ""Development"" is related to all phases prior to ""production"" such as:
(二)烧蚀防热部件的设计与制造技术    (2) Design and manufacturing technology for ablative heat shields;
(二)合同或者协议的副本;    (2) duplicates of the contract or agreement;
(二)合同或者协议的副本;    (2) duplicates of the contract or agreement;
(三)热沉装置及其部件的设计与制造技术    (3) Design and manufacturing technology for heat sinks and components thereof;
(三)毁坏军事禁区、军事管理区的围墙、铁丝网或者界线标志的。?    (3) Destroying the enclosing walls, barbed wire fences or boundary markers of the military restricted zone or the military administrative zone.
(三)泄露军事设施秘密的,或者为境外的机构、组织、人员窃取、刺探、收买、非法提供军事设施秘密的。?    (3) Divulging the secrets of military installations, or stealing, spying on, buying or illegally providing secrets on military installations for agencies, organizations or individuals abroad.
<三)泄露军事设施秘密的;?    (3) Divulging the secrets of military installations;
(五)抗辐射加固的设计技术    (5) Design technology for radiation hardenning;
(五)四氧化二氮    (5) Dinitrogen tetroxide;
(五)本条例第六条规定的保证文书;    (5) documents of guarantee as defined in Article 6;
(五)本条例第六条规定的保证文书;    (5) documents of guarantee as defined in Article 6;
(六)加固结构的设计技术    (6) Design technology for hardened structure.
(七)向人民防空工程内排入废水、废气或者倾倒废弃物的。    (7) discharging waste waste or gas or dumping waste material into civil air defense works.
(八)上述第(四)至第(七)项的燃烧调节装置    (8) Devices to regulate combustion for the above Subitems (4) to (7);
4、装配    (d) Assembly
4、用于碳碳复合材料增密的化学气相沉积炉    (d) Chemical vapor deposition furnaces for the densification of carbon-carbon composites;
4、方案研究    (d) Design concepts
4、流体能粉碎机    (d) Fluid energy mills;
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