前款所称重要的经济目标,包括重要的工矿企业、科研基地、交通枢纽、通信枢纽、桥梁、水库、仓库、电站等。 ""Important economic targets"" mentioned in the preceding paragraph include important industrial and mining enterprises, scientific research bases, hubs of communications, signal centers, bridges, reservoirs, warehouses and power stations.1、""公开领域技术""是指没有传播限制而可以自由获得的技术(包括仅受版权限制的技术)。 ""In the public domain"" as it applies to this List means technology which has been made available without restrictions upon its further dissemination. (Copyright restrictions do not remove technology from being ""in the public domain"".)(一)申请人的法定代表人、主要经营管理人以及经办人的身份证明; (1) identification of the applicant's legal representative, chief managers and the persons handling the deal;(一)申请人的法定代表人、主要经营管理人以及经办人的身份证明; (1) identification of the applicant’s legal representative, chief managers and the persons handling the deal;(一)非法进入军事禁区,不听制止的;? (1) Illegally entering the military restricted zone and refusing to be stopped;(一)非法进入军事禁区的;? (1) Illegally entering the military restricted zone;(一)弹道导弹的各级 (1) Individual stages of a ballistic missile;(二)含有第一部分中所列物项的系统应被视为第一部分的物项;但如所含物项与系统不可分或不可复制,且系统为民用用途设计,则该系统应被视为第二部分的物项。 (2) If a Part 1 item is included in a system, that system will also be considered as a Part 1 item, except when the incorporated item cannot be separated, removed or duplicated and the system is designed for civilian uses, where the item will be considered as a Part 2 item.(二)在军事禁区或者禁区外围安全控制范围内,非法进行摄影、摄像、录音、勘察、测量、描绘和记述的;? (2) Illegally photographing, video-taping, recording, reconnoitering, surveying, drawing or describing within the military restricted zone or the security control area surrounding the restricted zone;(二)火箭的各级 (2) Individual stages of a rocket;(三)易燃易爆物品; (3) inflammable or explosive goods; and(三)侵害中华人民共和国法律保护的知识产权; (3) Infringe upon intellectual rights protected by the laws of the People's Republic of China;(四)广播电台、电视台、国家通讯社等重要新闻单位及其重要设施; (4) important mass media such as broadcasting stations, television stations and national news agencies, and the important facilities thereof;(四)策动、勾引、收买国家工作人员叛变的; (4) instigating, luring or bribing a State functionary to turn traitor; or(五)成像传感器设备 (5) Imaging sensor equipment;(七)惯性测量单元测试仪 (7) Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) tester;(八)惯性测量单元稳定元件加工夹具 (8) Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) stable element handling fixture;(九)惯性平台平衡夹具 (9) Inertial Measurement Unit (IMU) platform balance fixture;9、生产固体推进剂用的验收试验设备 (i) Acceptance testing equipment for production of solid propellant;9、结构设计 (i) Configuration design9、用于生产预浸件和预成型件的设备 (i) Equipment for producing prepregs and preforms;一、前言 1. INTRODUCTION二、从图案正中垂直画一直线,其左右两部分,完全对称。 2. If a vertical straight line is drawn in the centre of the design, the left and the right parts thereof are completely symmetrical.三、运载火箭的级间机构及为其专门设计的生产设备 3. Interstage mechanisms for space launch vehicles and the specially designed production equipment therefor.四、如制作浮雕,其各部位之高低,可根据断面图之比例放大或缩小。 4. If a relief sculpture is made, the height of the various parts may be magnified or lessened to the scale of the sectional drawing.