2、为上述工艺过程而专门设计的喷嘴 Specially designed nozzles for the above processes;(一)系统建模、仿真或总体设计的专用软件及相关模拟和数字计算机 Specially designed software, or analogue and digital computers thereof, for modeling, simulation, or design integration of the systems;(二十二)为陀螺或加速度表专门设计的试验、标定和校准装置 Specially designed test, calibration, and alignment equipment for gyro or accelerometer确定保密期限的具体办法由国家保密工作部门规定。 Specific measures for determining the periods shall be formulated by the state secret-guarding department.具体规定由国务院测绘行政主管部门同国务院其他有关部门、军队测绘主管部门会商后制定,报国务院批准发布。 Specific rules shall be formulated by the competent department of surveying and mapping administration under the State Council after consultation with other relevant departments under the State Council and the competent department of surveying and mapping in the armed forces, and submitted to the State Council for approval and publication.(三)同时满足如下条件的球形铝粉: Spherical aluminum powder meeting the following requirements:中华人民共和国国家安全法 State Security Law of the People's Republic of China关于国家秘密及其密级的具体范围的规定,应当在有关范围内公布。 Stipulations on the specific scopes and categories of state secrets shall be made known within relevant quarters.(八)推力大于或等于90千牛顿的可贮存推进剂液体火箭发动机 Storable liquid propellant rocket engines, having a thrust force of 90 kN or greater;(一)结构复合材料,包括各种复合材料结构件、层压板和制品,以及以树脂或金属为基体的用纤维和丝材增强而制成的各种预浸件和预成形件,其中增强材料的比拉伸强度大于7.62×104米和比模量大于3.18×106米 Structural composites, including composite structures, laminates, and manufactures thereof, and resin impregnated fibre prepregs and metal coated fibre preforms therefor, made with either organic matrix or metal matrix utilizing fibrous or filamentary reinforcements having a specific tensile strength greater than 7.62 x 104 m and a specific modulus greater than 3.18 x 106 m:十五、用来降低雷达波反射特性的结构材料 Structural material specially designed for reduced radar reflectivity(四)保护免受电磁脉冲、X射线、冲击波和热辐射综合效应损害的装置 Structure for protection against electromagnetic pulse (EMP) and X-rays and shock wave and combined blast and thermal effects:十四、降低雷达波反射特性的结构件 Structure specially designed for reduced radar reflectivity密级和保密期限的变更,由原确定密级和保密期限的机关、单位决定,也可以由其上级机关决定。 Such alterations shall be decided on by the state organs or units that determined the categories of the secrets and the periods for guarding them or by superior departments.??? 追逐须在外国船舶或者其小艇之或者以被追逐的船舶为母船进行活动的其他船艇在中华人民共和国的内水、领海或者毗连连区内时开始。 Such pursuit shall be commenced when the foreign ship or one of its boats or other craft engaged in activities by using the ship pursued as a mother ship is within the internal waters, the territorial sea or the contiguous zone of the People's Republic of China.(十八)生产环形激光陀螺用的表面光度仪 Surface profilometer for ring laser gyro production;中华人民共和国测绘法 Surveying and Mapping Law of the People's Republic of China""重大立功表现"",是指在前款所列立功表现的范围内对国家安全工作有特别重要作用的。 “Significant meritorious service” refers to a service within the scope specified in the preceding paragraph that is of especially great help to the State security work.(2)宽度等于或大于600毫米和厚度等于或小于3毫米的薄板 ② Sheets having a width of 600 mm or more and a thickness of 3 mm or less;语际翻译 版权所有
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