

??? 第五十五条? 海关工作人员私分没收的走私货物、物品的,依照刑法第一百五十五条的规定追究刑事责任。    [Article 55] Any criminal responsibility shall be prosecuted in accordance with Article 155 of the Criminal Law of the People's Republic of China in case the Customs personnel divide up the confiscated smuggled goods and articles among themselves.
??? 第五十六条? 海关工作人员滥用职权,故意刁难,拖延监管、查验的,给予行政处分;徇私舞弊、玩忽职守或者放纵走私的,根据情节轻重,给予行政处分或者依法追究刑事责任。    [Article 56] Disciplinary actions shall be imposed on those Customs personnel who abuse their power and intentionally create difficulties or procrastinate the control and examination; disciplinary or legal actions shall be taken on those who practice graft, neglect their duties or indulge in smuggling, depending on the seriousness of the case.
第五十七条? 本法下列用语的含义:    [Article 57] Terms used in this Law are defined as follows:
??? 第五十八条? 海关对检举或者协助查获违反本法案件的有功单位和个人,应当给予奖励。对于检举违法行为的单位和个人,海关应当负责保密。    [Article 58] The customs shall reward individuals or units providing information or assistance which is helpful for the exposing of offences against this Law; the identities of such individuals or units shall be kept strictly confidential by the Customs.
??? 第五十九条? 经济特区等特定地区同境内其他地区之间往来的运输工具、货物、物品的监管办法,由国务院另行规定。    [Article 59] Rules governing the control over the means of transport, goods and articles of other parts of the territory entering or leaving the Special Economic Zones and other specially designated areas shall be enacted by the State Council.
??? 第五条? 进出境运输工具、货物、物品,必须通过设立海关的地点进境或者出境。在特殊情况下,需要经过未设立海关的地点临时进境或者出境的,必须经国务院或者国务院授权的机关批准,并依照本法规定办理海关手续。    [Article 5] All inbound and outbound means of transport, goods, articles shall enter or leave the country at places (points) where a Customs office is located. Where temporary inbound or outbound passage at a place without a Customs office is requested in a special case, permission shall have to be obtained from the State Council or a department empowered by the State Council and the Customs formalities shall be followed in accordance with relevent provisions of this Law.
??? 第六十条? 海关总署根据本法制定实施细则,报国务院批准后施行。    [Article 60] Detailed rules and regulations for the implementation of this Law shall be drawn up by the Customs General Administration and be put into force after being approved by the State Council.
??? 第六十一条? 本法自1987年7月1日起施行。1951年4月18日中央人民政府公布的《中华人民共和国暂行海关法》同时废止    [Article 61] This Law shall enter into force on July 1, 1987, on which date the Provisional Customs Law of the People's Republic of China promulgated on April 18, 1951 shall be abrogated.
??? 第六条? 进出口货物,除另有规定的外,由海关准予注册的报关企业或者有权经营进出口业务的企业负责办理机关纳税手续。上述企业的报关员应当经海关考核认可。    [Article 6] Unless otherwise provided for, all import and export goods shall be declared and their duties paid by declaration units which have been registered with the Customs or by enterprises authorized to engage in import or export business. The declarants of the above-mentioned units and enterprises shall be tested and approved by the Customs.
??? 第七条? 海关工作人员必须遵守法律、法规,秉公执法,忠于职守,文明服务。    [Article 7] All Customs officers shall abide by the laws and regulations, enforce the law justly, be loyal to their duties and perform them in a manner as befits a public service.
第八条? 进出境运输工具到达或者驶离设立海关的地点时,运输工具负责人应当向海关如实申报,交验单证,并接受海关监管和检查。    [Article 8] When inbound and outbound means of transport call at or intend to leave a place where a Customs office is located, the carrier shall make an accurate declaration, lodge or present papers and documents to the Customs and be subject to Customs control.
??? 第九条? 进境运输工具在进境以后向海关申报以前,出境运输工具在办结海关手续以后出境以前,应当按照交通主管机关规定的路线行进;交通主管机关没有规定的,由海关指定。    [Article 9] Inbound means of transport pending declaration to the Customs after entering the territory and outbound means of transport pending to leave the territory after being cleared by the Customs shall both move along the route specified by the competent communications organs or the Customs in case the communications organs have no such specification.
(1)总容量大于110升    ① A total volumetric capacity of 110 litres or more; and
(2)至少装有一个偏离中心的搅拌轴    ② At least one mixing/kneading shaft mounted off centre.
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