

同时,国家依法保护台湾同胞在中国其他地区的权利和利益。    At the same time, the state shall protect the rights and interests of the Taiwan compatriots in other parts of China in accordance with law.
六、专门设计或改进用于第一部分第一项中各系统的姿态控制设备    Attitude control equipment specially designed or modified for the systems in Item 1 of Part I
(四)无人航空飞行器的自动驾驶仪    Automatic pilots for UAV;
??? 第十条? 进出境船舶、火车、航空器到达和驶离时间、停留地点、停留期间更换地点以及装卸货物、物品时间,运输工具负责人或者有关交通运输部门应当事先通知海关。    [Article 10] The time of arrival or departure, the place of stay, any moving during their stay and the time for loading or discharging the cargoes or articles of all inbound and outbound vessels, trains and aircraft shall be notified in advance to the Customs by the carrier or related communications and transport units.
??? 第十一条? 运输工具装卸进出境货物、物品或者上下进出境旅客,应当接受海关监管。    [Article 11] The loading and discharging of inbound and outbound cargoes and articles, the embarking and disembarking of inbound and outbound passengers from or to the means of transport shall be carried out under Customs control.
??? 第十二条? 海关检查进出境运输工具时,运输工具负责人应当到场,并根据海关的要求开启航室、房间、车门;有走私嫌疑的,并应当开拆可能藏匿走私货物、物品的部位,搬移货物、物料。    [Article 12] While the inbound or outbound means of transport is being searched by the Customs, the officer in charge of the carrier shall be present and the hatches of holds and the doors of cabins, rooms and vehicles shall remain open as required by the Customs. In case that smuggling is suspected, the compartment where smuggled goods may be stored shall be dismantled and the goods or materials shall be removed.
??? 第十三条? 进境的境外运输工具和出境的境内运输工具,未向海关办理手续并缴纳关税,不得转让或者移作他用。    [Article 13] Inbound means of transport of foreign registry and outbound means of transport of domestic registry shall not have their ownership transferred or used for other purposes before having gone through the Customs formalities and their Customs duties paid.
??? 第十四条? 进出境船舶和航空器兼营境内客、货运输,需经海关同意,并应当符合海关监管要求。    [Article 14] Where inbound and outbound vessels and aircraft are also engaged in transport of goods or passengers within the territory of China, Customs approval shall be obtained and requirements for Customs control shall be satisfied.
??? 第十五条? 沿海运输船舶、渔船和从事海上作业的特种船舶,未经海关同意,不得载运或者换取、买卖、转让进出境货物、物品。    [Article 15] Coastal vessels, fishing boats and special ships engaged in operation on sea shall not carry, exchange, purchase, or transfer the ownership of inbound or outbound goods and articles without prior Customs approval.
??? 第十六条? 进出境船舶和航空器,由于不可抗力的原因,被迫在未设立海关的地点停泊、降落或者抛掷、起卸货物、物品,运输工具负责人应当立即报告附近海关。    [Article 16] Where an inbound or outbound vessel or aircraft is forced to call or land at places without a Customs office, or jettison or discharge goods at such places owing to force majeure, the officer of the carrier in charge shall report the matter to the nearby Customs without delay.
第十七条? 进口货物自进境起到办结海关手续止,出口货物自向海关申报起到出境止,过境、转运和通运货物自进境起到出境止,应当接受海关监管。    [Article 17] All the following goods shall be subject to Customs control: import goods from the time of entering the territory of China till the completion of the Customs formalities, export goods from the time the Customs declaration is made right up to the time of leaving the territory, and goods in transit, transshipment and through shipment from the time they enter the territory up to the time they leave the territory.
??? 第十八条? 进口货物的收货人、出口货物的发货人应当向海关如实申报,交验进出口许可证和有关单证。国家限制进出口的货物,没有进出口许可证的,不予放行,具体处理办法由国务院规定。    [Article 18] The consignee for import goods and consignor for export goods shall make an accurate declaration, submit the import or export license and the relevant papers and documents to the Customs. Without an import or an export license, goods subject to import or export control by the State shall not be released. Details shall be specified by the State Council.
??? 第十九条? 进出口货物应当接受海关查验。海关查验货物时,进口货物的收货人、出口货物的发货人应当到场,并负责搬移货物,开拆和重封货物的包装。海关认为必要时,可以径行开验、复验或者提取货样。    [Article 19] All import and export goods shall be subject to Customs examination. While goods are being examined by the Customs, the consignee for import goods or consignor for export goods shall be present and responsible for moving the goods, opening and restoring the package. Where deemed necessary, the Customs may examine, re-examine the goods or take samples in the absence of the consignee or consignor.
第一条? 为了维护国家的主权和利益,加强海关监督管理,促进对外经济贸易和科技文化交往,保障社会主义现代化建设,特制定本法。    [Article 1] This Law has been formulated with a view of safeguarding national sovereignty and interests, strengthening Customs control, promoting exchanges in the areas of economy, trade, science, technology and culture with foreign countries and protecting the construction of socialist modernization.
??? 第二十条? 除海关特准的外,进出口货物在收发货人缴清税款或者提供担保后,由海关签印放行。    [Article 20] Unless specially approved by the Customs, import and export goods shall be released only upon endorsement by the Customs after duties have been paid or a proper guarantee has been submitted.
??? 第二十一条? 进口货物的收货人自运输工具申报进境之日起超过三个月未向海关申报的,其进口货物由海关提取变卖处理。所得价款在扣除运输、装卸、储存等费用和税款后,尚有余款的,自货物变卖之日起一年内,经收货人申请,予以发还;逾期无人申请的,不缴国库。    [Article 21] Where the consignee fails to declare with the Customs within 3 months from the date of declaration of the means of transport concerned, the goods shall be taken over and sold off by the Customs. The balance of the proceeds of the sale after deduction of expenses for transport, loading and discharging, storage, duties and taxes, may be returned to the consignee within one year upon application. If a claim is not made within the time limit, the money shall be turned over to the State Treasury.
??? 第二十二条? 经海关批准暂时进口或者暂时出口的货物,应当在六个月内复运出境或者复运进境;在特殊情况下,经海关同意,可以延期。    [Article 22] Goods that are imported or exported on a temporary basis and approved by the Customs shall be taken out of or into the territory within 6 months. In special cases, this time limit may be extended upon Customs approval.
??? 第二十三条? 经营保税货物的储存、加工、装配、寄售业务,需经海关批准,并办理注册手续。    [Article 23] The operation of the storage, processing, assembling and consignment sales of the bonded goods shall be approved by the registered with the Customs.
??? 第二十四条? 进口货物应当由收货人在货物的进境地海关办理海关手续,出口货物应当由发货人在货物的出境地海关办理海关手续。    [Article 24] Customs formalities for import goods shall be completed by the consignee at the place where the goods entering the territory and for export goods, by the consignor, at the place where the goods leave the territory.
??? 第二十五条? 过境、转运和通运货物,运输工具负责人应当向进境地海关如实申报,并应当在规定期限内运输出境。    [Article 25] All transit, transshipment and through-shipment goods shall be declared with the Customs at the place where they enter the territory or are shipped out of the territory within the specified time limit.
??? 第二十六条? 海关监管货物,未经海关许可,任何单位和个人不得开拆、提取、交付、发运、调换、改装、抵押、转让或者更换标记。    [Article 26] Without Customs approval, goods under Customs control shall not be opened, picked up, delivered, conveyed, replaced, repacked, mortgaged or transferred, and their identifications or marks shall not be changed by any unit or person.
??? 第二十七条? 进出境集装箱的监管办法、打捞进出境货物和沉船的监管办法、边境小额贸易进出口货物的监管办法,以及本法具体列明的其他进出境货物的监管办法,由海关总署或者由海关总署会同国务院有关部门另行制定。    [Article 27] Rules governing the inbound and outbound containers, rules governing the salvage of inbound and outbound goods and sunken ships, rules governing import and export goods under small-scale border trade and rules governing other inbound and outbound goods not specified in this Law shall be drawn up by the customs General Administration independently or in conjunction with the relevant department under the State Council.
第二十八条? 个人携带进出境的行李物品、邮寄进出境的物品,应当以自用、合理数量为限,并接受海关监管。    [Article 28] Inbound and outbound luggage carried by individuals and inbound and outbound articles sent by post shall be for personal use, in reasonable quantities and subject to Customs control.
??? 第二十九条? 进出境物品的所有人应当向海关如实申报,并接受海关查验。    [Article 29] All inbound and outbound articles shall be accurately declared with the Customs by the owner, and be subject to Customs examination.
??? 第二条? 中华人民共和国海关是国家的进出关境(以下简称进出境)监督管理机关。    [Article 2] The Customs of the People's Republic of China is a state organ responsible for the control over inbound and outbound activities through the Customs territory.
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