(一九八0年九月十日第五届全国人民代表大会第三次会议通过) (Adopted at the Third Session of the Fifth National People's Congress, promulgated by Order No. 8 of the Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress on and effective as of September 10, 1980)十、为第一项的装卸、控制、待发射和发射而设计或改进的仪器和装置 10. Apparatus and devices designed or modified for the handling, control, activation and launching of the systems in Item 1.(1994年5月10日国务院令第157号发布) 1994-06-04 Adopted by the 19th Executive Meeting of the State Council(二)合同或者协议的副本; 2. A copy of contract or agreement;(四)核材料或者反应堆用非核材料分析报告单; 4. Analysis report on the nuclear materials or non-nuclear materials used for reactors;六、专门设计或改进用于第一部分第一项中各系统的姿态控制设备 6. Attitude control equipment specially designed or modified for the systems in Item 1 of Part I.(七)审查机关要求提交的其他文件。 7. Any other documents requested by the examining authorities.外国的组织、个人经批准在中华人民共和国领域和管辖的其他海域测绘或者与中华人民共和国有关部门、单位合作测绘,必须遵守中华人民共和国的有关法律、行政法规的规定,并向国务院测绘行政主管部门提交全部测绘成果副本一式两份。 A foreign organization or individual that with due approval conducts surveying and mapping in the territorial air, land and waters, as well as other sea areas under the jurisdiction of the People's Republic of China either alone or in cooperation with the relevant department or unit of the People's Republic of China, must comply with relevant laws and administrative rules and regulations of the People's Republic of China and must submit two duplicates copies of the complete surveying and mapping results to the competent department of surveying and mapping administration under the State Council.全日制中学小学,除假期外,每周举行一次升旗仪式。 A full-time middle school or primary school shall hold a Flag-hoisting ceremony once a week, except during vacations.当事人也可以在接到处罚通知之日起十五日内直接向人民法院起诉。当事人逾期不申请复议,也不向人民法院起诉,又不履行处罚决定的,作出处罚决定的机关可以申请人民法院强制执行。 A party may also bring a suit directly before a people's court within 15 days from receiving the notification of the sanctions. If, upon the expiration of the time limit, the party has not applied for reconsideration, nor brought a suit before a people's court, nor complied with the sanction decision, the authorities that have made the sanction decision may apply to the people's court for compulsory execution.实施征用应当开具征用单据。 A receipt of the things requisitioned shall be made out. 退出现役的士兵,由部队确定服预备役的,在回到本人居住地以后的三十天内,到当地县、自治县、市、市辖区的兵役机关办理预备役登记。 A soldier who is discharged from active service and assigned by his army unit to serve in the reserve shall, within thirty days of returning to his place of residence, register for reserve service with the military service organ of his county, autonomous county, city or municipal district.测绘单位应当建立、健全测绘成果的质量管理制度。 A surveying and mapping unit shall establish and improve the system of quality control over its surveying and mapping results.多次测绘成果质量不合格给用户造成损失的,由省、自治区、直辖市人民政府管理测绘工作的部门或者其授权的部门取消其测绘资格。 A surveying and mapping unit whose substandard surveying and mapping results have many times caused losses to a user or users shall have its qualification of surveying and mapping divested by the department of surveying and mapping administration or by the department authorized by it, of the people's government of the relevant province, autonomous region or municipality directly under the Central Government.(1)总容量大于110升 A total volumetric capacity of 110 litres or more; and条约和重要协定签署后,由外交部或者国务院有关部门会同外交部,报请国务院审核;由国务院提请全国人民代表大会常务委员会决定批准;中华人民共和国主席根据全国人民代表大会常务委员会的决定予以批准。 A treaty or an important agreement after being signed, shall be submitted by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs or by the department concerned under the State Council in conjunction with the Ministry of Foreign Affairs to the State Council for examination. It shall then be submitted by the State Council to the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress for decision on ratification. The President of the People's Republic of China shall ratify it pursuant to the decision of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress.建设永久性测量标志的单位应当委托当地有关单位指派专人负责保管该测量标志。 A unit that establishes permanent surveying markers shall entrust an appropriate local unit with the designation of personnel for taking care of such surveying markers.(七)烧蚀防热材料 Ablative heat shielding material(二十一)加速度表轴线校准台 Accelerometer axis align station;(二十)加速度表测试台 Accelerometer test station;(十九)比例误差小于0.25%的加速度表 Accelerometers with a proportional error of 0.25 percent or less;3、生产液体推进剂用的验收试验设备 Acceptance testing equipment for production of liquid propellant9、生产固体推进剂用的验收试验设备 Acceptance testing equipment for production of solid propellant;3、纤维结构复合材料编织机的成套附件及其改装附件 Adapters and modification kits of weaving machines for fibre structure composites;(1996年10月29日第八届全国人民代表大会常务委员会第二十二次会议通过) adopted at the 22nd Meeting of the Standing Committee of the Eighth National People's Congress of the People's Republic of China on October 29, 1996