

(一)见票即付的汇票,自出票日起一个月内向付款人提示付款;    (1) one month after the date of issue for a bill payable at sight to be presented to the drawee; and
(一)证券帐户、结算帐户的设立;    (1) Opening securities accounts and accounts for settlement of stock transactions.
(一)外国投资者自己所有的;    (1) Owned by the foreign investors themselves;
(十)与生产、经营业务无关的其他支出。    (10) other expenses not related to production or business operations.
(十)经国务院税务主管部门确定的其他行业。    (10) other industries as specified by the tax authorities under the State Council.
(十)需要订明的其他事项。    (10) other items needed to be stated expressly.
(十)中国保监会和国家外汇局规定的其他义务。    (10) Other obligations specified by the CIRC and the SAFE.
(十一)中国证监会要求提交的其他文件。    (11) other documents required to be filed by the CSRC.
(十一)合作各方其他义务以及违反合同的责任;    (11) Other obligations of all parties and their liabilities for breach of contract.
(十一)国务院规定的其他职责。    (11)other functions prescribed by the State Council.
(十五)其他未按规定开具发票的行为。    (15) Other acts of drawing up invoices in accordance with stipulations.
(十六)中国人民银行确定的其他机构。    (16) other institutions as affirmed by the PBC.
(二)取得不符合规定的发票;    (2) Obtain invoice inconsistent with stipulations;
(二)开设保险外汇资金的境内托管账户、境外外汇资金运用结算账户和证券托管账户;    (2) Opening domestic custody account for foreign exchange insurance funds, settlement account for overseas use of foreign exchange funds and securities custody accounts;
(二)中国人民银行和国家外汇管理局规定的其他形式。    (2) other modes as specified by the People's Bank of China (hereinafter referred to as ""PBC"") and the State Administration of Foreign Exchange (hereinafter referred to as ""SAFE"").
(三)服从国家有关机关的监督管理。    (3) obeying the supervision and administration of the relevant authorities of the State.
(三)外出经营活动税收管理证明;    (3) obtaining a certificate for tax revenue administration of outside operations;
(三)与境外受托人、境内托管人和境外托管代理人合谋获取非法利益;    (3) Obtaining illegal gains in collusion with overseas trustees, domestic custodians and overseas escrow agents;
(三)中国保监会和国家外汇局规定的其他事项。    (3) Other circumstances specified by the CIRC and the SAFE.
(三)公司登记机关要求提交的其他文件。    (3) other documents required to be submitted by the company registration authority.
(三)公司登记机关要求提交的其他文件。    (3) other documents required to be submitted by the company registration authority.
(三)为债权人的共同利益而在破产程序中支付的其他费用。    (3) other expenses paid in the course of bankruptcy proceedings for the common interest of the creditors.
(三)为债权人的共同利益而在破产程序中支付的其他费用。    (3) other expenses paid in the course of bankruptcy proceedings for the common interest of the creditors.
(三)为债权人的共同利益而在破产程序中支付的其他费用。    (3) other expenses paid in the course of bankruptcy proceedings for the common interest of the creditors.
(三)经财政税务机关和审查批准机关批准的其他回收投资方式。    (3) Other investment recovery methods approved by the finance and tax authorities, and examination and approval authorities.
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