?? (三)金融监督管理部门规定的其他文件、资料。 other documents and information requested by the financial supervision and regulation department.?? (八)金融监督管理部门规定的其他文件、资料。 other documents and information requested by the financial supervision and regulation department.(三)前项以外与投保人有抚养、赡养或者扶养关系的家庭其他成员、近亲属。 Other family members or close relatives, apart from the aforementioned, who have relations of fostering, supporting and maintaining with the applicant.对票据上的其他记载事项,原记载人可以更改,更改时应当由原记载人签章证明。 Other particulars on a negotiable instrument may be altered by the person who recorded them, but he shall verify the alterations by putting his signature thereto.户外广告设施应当牢固、安全,并与周围环境协调,符合美化市容的要求。 Outdoor advertising facilities shall be firm and secure, be in harmony with their surroundings, and shall meet the demand of beautifying the city appearance.设置户外广告设施应当按照批准及登记的地点、时间、规格、设计图、效果图实施,不得擅自变更。 Outdoor advertising facilities shall be installed in compliance with the approved and registered places, dates, specifications, design drawings and effect drawings, and no changes shall be made without authorization.户外广告设施应当自审核批准之日起6个月内设置;逾期未设置的,其审批即行失效。 Outdoor advertising facilities shall be put up within 6 months after the date of their approval. If they are not put up within the period, the approval shall become invalid.??????????????????? 销项税额=销售额x税率 Output tax=Sales amount*Tax rate(一)分出保险; Outward reinsurance; and/or境外上市外资股的权益拥有人可以依照境外上市外资股股东名册正本存放地或者境外上市地的法律规定,将其股份登记在股份的名义持有人名下。 Owners of the rights and interests of foreign capital stocks listed abroad may registered their shares under the names of nominal shareholders according to the provisions of the laws of the place where the list of foreign capital stock holders is kept or the place where the stocks are listed.(四)其他行业:参照以上公式计算。 (四)Other lines of business。Computations shall be made with reference to the above formulas.语际翻译 版权所有
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