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中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(二)    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


(一)保管保险公司托管的外汇资金和证券;    (1) Keeping custody of the foreign exchange funds and securities entrusted by the insurance company;
(5)未按照规定保管发票的;    (5) Keeping invoices not according to stipulations;
(七)保存保险公司境外运用的外汇资金汇入、汇出、资金往来及证券交易的记录、凭证等相关资料,不少于15年;    (7) Keeping relevant materials including records and vouchers of the inward and outward remittance of foreign exchange funds of an insurance company for overseas use, relevant fund transfer and securities trading for no less than 15 years;
(三)保存境内机构投资者的资金汇出、汇入、兑换、收汇、付汇、资金往来、委托及成交记录等相关资料,其保存的时间应当不少于20年;    3. Keeping the related materials concerning outward remittance, inward remittance, conversion of capital, the collection and payment of foreign exchange, capital flows, authorization and transaction records of the QDII for no less than 20 years; and
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