

提示承兑是指持票人向付款人出示汇票,并要求付款人承诺付款的行为。    ""Presentment for acceptance"" is the act of a holder who presents the bill of exchange to the drawee and demands a promise of payment from the drawee.
(一)见票即付;    (1) payable at sight
(一)对已经过期或失效的专利技术支付报酬;    (1) payment for expired or invalid patent rights;
(一)独资企业;    (1) personal-fund enterprise;
(一)政策性银行;    (1) policy banks;
(1)未按照规定印制发票或者生产发票防伪专用品的;    (1) Printing invoices or producing special products for anti- forged invoices not according to stipulations;
(一)在沿海经济开放区和经济特区、经济技术开发区所在城市的老市区设立的从事下列项目的生产性外商投资企业:    (1) production-oriented enterprises with foreign investment established in the coastal economic open zones, special economic zones and in the old urban districts of municipalities where economic and technological development zones are located and which are engaged in the following projects:
(一)公用事业;    (1) Public utilities;
(一)公用企业和与国计民生有重大关系的企业,政府有关部门给予资助或者采取其他措施帮助清偿债务的;    (1) public utility enterprises and enterprises that have an important relationship to the national economy and the people's livelihood, for which the relevant government departments grant subsidies or adopt other measures to assist the repayment of debts;
(一)公用企业和与国计民生有重大关系的企业,政府有关部门给予资助或者采取其他措施帮助清偿债务的;    (1) public utility enterprises and enterprises that have an important relationship to the national economy and the people's livelihood, for which the relevant government departments grant subsidies or adopt other measures to assist the repayment of debts;
(一)公用企业和与国计民生有重大关系的企业,政府有关部门给予资助或者采取其他措施帮助清偿债务的;    (1) public utility enterprises and enterprises that have an important relationship to the national economy and the people's livelihood, for which the relevant government departments grant subsidies or adopt other measures to assist the repayment of debts;
一是按照最高人民检察院、公安部《关于经济犯罪案件追诉标准的规定》(公发[2001]11号),绝大多数非法证券活动都涉嫌犯罪。?    (1) Pursuant to the Rules on the Standards of Prosecution of Economic Crime Cases (No. 11 [2001] of the Ministry of Public Security)promulgated by the Supreme People's Procuratorate and Ministry of Public Security, the great majority of unlawful securities activities involve crimes.
(一)违反国家规定,以人民币支付或者以实物偿付应当以外汇支付的进口货款或者其他类似支出的;    (1)Payment for imports that should be paid with foreign exchanges in Renminbi, in kind, or in other similar means in violation of State regulations.
(一)以外币在境内计价结算的;    (1)Pricing and settlement of accounts at home in foreign currency(currencies).
1.出版物印刷(中方控股,包装装潢印刷除外)    (1)Printing of publications (Chinese partner shall hold the majority of shares except printing of package decoration)
1.我国传统工艺的绿茶及特种茶加工(名茶、黑茶等)    (1)Processing of green lea and special tea with China's traditional crafts (famous tea, dark tea, etc.)
1.列入国家保护资源的中药材加工(麝香、甘草、黄麻草等)    (1)Processing of traditional Chinese medicines that have been listed as the State protection resources (musk, licorice, jute, etc.)
1.猪、牛、羊蓝湿皮新技术加工    (1)Processing of wet blue skin of pig, cow and sheep with new technology
1.重油催化裂化制烯烃生产    (1)Production of alkene through catalyzing and cracking of heavy oil
1.常规切片纺的化纤抽丝生产    (1)Production of chemical fibre drawnwork of conventional chipper
1.氯霉素、青霉素G、洁霉素、庆大霉素、双氢链霉素、丁胺卡那霉素、盐酸四环素、土霉素、麦迪霉素、柱晶白霉素、环丙氟哌酸、氟哌酸、氟嗪酸生产    (1)Production of chloramphenicol, penicillin G, lincomycin, gentamicin, dihydrostreptomycin, amikacin, tetracycline hydrochloride, oxytetracycline, medemycin, kitasamycin, ilotyin, ciprofloxacin and offoxacin
1.卷烟、过滤嘴棒生产    (1)Production of cigarettes and filter tips
1.差别化化学纤维及芳纶、年产5000吨及以上功能化环保型氨纶、碳纤维、高强高模聚乙烯等高新技术化纤生产    (1)Production of differential chemical fibre and high, new technological fibre such as aromatic synthetic fibre, functional environment-amicable ammo synthetic fibre with an annual production capacity of over 5000 tons, carbon fibre, high tensible and high modulus polythene
1.直接还原铁和熔融还原铁生产    (1)Production of direct and fusion reduced iron
1.日熔化500吨级及以上优质浮法玻璃生产(限于中西部地区)    (1)Production of fine-quality floating glass with a daily melting capacity of 500 tons or over (only in mid-west region of China)
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