18.大型煤化工产品生产 (18)Production of mass coal chemical industrial products(二)合伙企业; (2) partnership enterprise;(二)定日付款; (2) payable at a fixed date(二)依法纳税; (2) paying taxes according to law;(二) 企业所得税税款; (2) Payment for enterprise income tax;(二)住所、经营地点; (2) place of residence and of business operations;(二)破产企业在破产宣告后至破产程序终结前所取得的财产; (2) property obtained by the bankrupt enterprise during the period from the declaration of bankruptcy until the conclusion of the bankruptcy proceedings; and(二)破产企业在破产宣告后至破产程序终结前所取得的财产; (2) property obtained by the bankrupt enterprise during the period from the declaration of bankruptcy until the conclusion of the bankruptcy proceedings; and(二)破产企业在破产宣告后至破产程序终结前所取得的财产; (2) property obtained by the bankrupt enterprise during the period from the declaration of bankruptcy until the conclusion of the bankruptcy proceedings; and(二)依法维护会员的合法权益,向证券监督管理机构反映会员的建议和要求; (2) Protect the members' legal rights and interests according to law and provide feedback to the securities supervision and administration organization on the members' suggestions and requests;(2)提供境外公证机构或注册会计师的发票或者凭证确认证明; (2) Providing invoices or evidence and certificates confirmed by overseas notary organs or licensed accountant;(二)领购发票; (2) purchasing invoices;(二)公司章程规定的营业期限届满或者公司章程规定的其他解散事由出现; (2) pursuant to the provisions of the company's articles of association, the term of operation of the company expires or one of the other events which are grounds for dissolution occurs;(二)以人民币为他人支付在境内的费用,由对方付给外汇的; (2)Payment in Renminbi of the expenditures of a third party spent in China for repayment from this party in foreign exchanges.2.皮革后整饰新技术加工 (2)Post ornament and processing of bather with new technology2.安乃近、扑热息痛、维生素B1、维生素B2、维生素C、维生素E生产 (2)Production of analgin, paracetamol, Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin C, Vitamin E2.粘胶无毒纺等环保型化纤的生产 (2)Production of chemical fibre of environmental protection variety such as direct viscose and asepsis spinning, etc.2.年产60万吨及以上规模乙烯生产(中方相对控股) (2)Production of ethylene with an annual production capacity of 600 thousand tons or over (the Chinese partners shall hold relative majority of shares)2.硬质合金、锡化合物、锑化合物生产 (2)Production of hard alloy, tin compound and antimony compound2.重交通道路沥青生产 (2)Production of heavy traffic road asphalt2.高档纸及纸板生产(限于合资、合作) (2)Production of high-quality paper and cardboard (equity joint ventures or contractual joint ventures only)2.日产2000吨及以上水泥熟料新型干法水泥生产(限于中西部地区) (2)Production of new type dry process cement of clinker with a daily output capacity of 2,000 tons or over (only in midwest region of China)2.感光材料生产 (2)Production of sensitive materials2.外国牌号碳酸饮料生产 (2)Production of soda beverage of foreign brand2.造纸法烟草薄片生产 (2)Production of tobacco slices in the way of paper making语际翻译 版权所有
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