

民办非企业单位不得从事营利性经营活动。    People-run non-enterprise units shall not engage in profit-making business operations.
民办非企业单位应当向业务主管单位报告接受、使用捐赠、资助的有关情况,并应当将有关情况以适当方式向社会公布。    People-run non-enterprise units shall submit a report to the competent business units on the acceptance and use of donation(s) and subsidy(ies), and the relevant information shall be made public in society in an appropriate manner.
各级人民政府要高度重视,切实加强领导,协调税务、工商行政管理、公安和金融等有关部门,积极稳妥地做好这一工作,并帮助税务部门解决工作中出现的困难和问题。    People’s governments at all levels should attach great importance to it, earnestly strengthen leadership and coordinate the work of departments of taxation, industry and commerce administration, public security and finance in actively and steadfastly doing this work well and help the tax departments solve the difficulties and problems emerging in the work.
各级人民政府要切实加强对个体、私营经济税收征管,强化查帐征收工作的领导,支持并帮助税务部门解决工作中出现的困难和问题。    People’s governments at all levels should earnestly strengthen leadership in the work of taxation administration of self-employed private economy and intensification of taxation on audit of accounts, support and assist tax departments in the resolution of difficulties and problems coming up in the work.
本通知的贯彻执行情况,各省、自治区、直辖市和计划单列市人民政府应于七月底前报告国务院,同时抄送国家税务总局。    People’s governments of all provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities directly under the Central Government and municipalities under direct planning by the state shall report to the State Council on the status of implementation of this Circular by the end of July with copies dispatched to the State Taxation Administration.
(五)保险期间和保险责任开始时间;    Period of insurance and the commencement of the insurance liability;
特定减免税进口货物的监管年限由海关总署规定。    Period of supervision of special goods entitled to duty exemption or reduction will be specified by the Customs General Administration.
特定减免税进口货物的监管年限由海关总署规定。    Period of supervision of special goods entitled to duty exemption or reduction will be specified by the Customs General Administration.
国家对外贸易工作人员利用职务上的便利,索取他人财物,或者非法收受他人财物为他人谋取利益,构成犯罪的,依照惩治贪污罪贿赂罪的补充规定追究刑事责任;不构成犯罪的,给予行政处分。    Personnel serving in the State's foreign trade authorities who extort property from others with job convenience or illegally accept others' property and seek advantages for them in return and thus commit criminal offenses shall be subject to criminal prosecutions in accordance with the Supplementary Decision on the Punishment of Embezzlement and Bribery Crimes; where such conducts do not constitute criminal offenses, administrative sanctions shall apply.
参与核准股票发行申请的人员,不得与发行申请单位有利害关系;不得接受发行申请单位的馈赠;不得持有所核准的发行申请的股票;不得私下与发行申请单位进行接触。    Personnel who are involved in approving stock issue applications shall not have any interests in units applying for the issue; shall not receive gifts from units applying for the issue; shall not hold stocks of the approve issue; and shall not have private contact with units applying for the stock issue.
对直接负责的主管人员和其他直接责任人员给予警告,并处以三万元以上三十万元以下的罚款。构成犯罪的,依法追究刑事责任。    Persons in charge directly responsible for the case and other persons with direct responsibility are to be warned and are to pay a fine of more than 30,000 yuan but less than 300,000 yuan. Those involved in crimes are to be investigated for their criminal liability according to law.
(一)因违法行为或者违纪行为被解除职务的证券交易所、证券登记结算机构的负责人或者证券公司的董事、监事、经理,自被解除职务之日起未逾五年;    Persons in charge of a stock exchange or a stock registration and accounting institution, members of the board of directors or the board of supervisors, and managers who have been removed from their posts for violation of law or discipline within the last five years.
审计机关负责人依照法定程序任免。审计机关负责人没有违法失职或者其他不符合任职条件的情况的,不得随意撤换。    Persons in charge of audit institutions shall be appointed or removed in accordance with legal procedures. None of them may be removed or replaced at random unless they are found guilty of illegal acts, or negligent of duties or no longer qualified for the post.
允许凭祥、东兴、畹町、瑞丽、河口五市(县、镇)在具备条件的市(县、镇)兴办边境经济合作区,对边境经济合作区内以出口为主的生产性内联企业,减按24%的税率征收。?    Pingxiang, Dongxing, Wanting, Ruili and Hekou (5 cities, counties or towns) are agreed to set up border economic cooperation zones in qualified cities (counties and towns) and the productive inland associated enterprises set up in the border economic cooperation zones and mainly engaged in export shall be subject to the reduced tax rate of 24%.
本市重要地区和重要道路应当编制户外广告设施设置阵地规划。    Plans for installation positions of outdoor advertising facilities shall be worked out for important areas and roads in this Municipality.
原产于与中华人民共和国签订含有特殊关税优惠条款的贸易协定的国家或者地区的进口货物,适用特惠税率。    Preferential tariff rate is applicable to imported goods originated from countries or regions with which the People's Republic of China has a signed trade agreement containing provisions on special preferential tariff rates.
原产于与中华人民共和国签订含有特殊关税优惠条款的贸易协定的国家或者地区的进口货物,适用特惠税率。    Preferential tariff rate is applicable to imported goods originated from countries or regions with which the People's Republic of China has a signed trade agreement containing provisions on special preferential tariff rates.
(八)保险费以及支付办法;    Premium and method of premium payment;
通过委托收款银行或者通过票据交换系统向付款人提示付款的,视同持票人提示付款。    Presentment for payment made to the drawee through an authorized collecting bank or at a clearing system is deemed as presentment made by the holder.
(三)阻碍投保人履行本法规定的如实告知义务,或者诱导其不履行本法规定的如实告知义务;    preventing the applicant from fulfilling his/her obligation of making a full and accurate disclosure stipulated under this Law or inducing him/her not to fulfill such obligation; or
省、自治区、直辖市人民政府价格主管部门和其他有关部门,应当按照地方定价目录规定的定价权限和具体适用范围制定在本地区执行的政府指导价、政府定价。?    Price departments and other related departments of the people's governments of provinces, autonomous regions and municipalities shall fix indicative local government-set and guided prices within their respective power according to scope of items and uses as set in the local price catalogs.
县级以上地方各级人民政府价格主管部门负责本行政区域内的价格工作。县级以上地方各级人民政府其他有关部门在各自的职责范围内,负责有关的价格工作。?    Price departments of the people's governments at and above the county level shall be responsible for the work related to prices within the regions under their jurisdiction. Price departments of the people's governments at and above the county level shall be responsible for the work related to prices within their terms of reference.
中华人民共和国价格法    Pricing Law of the People's Republic of China
董事在任期届满前,股东会不得无故解除其职务。    Prior to expiration of a director's term, the shareholders' committee may not remove him without cause.
在领取个人独资企业营业执照前,投资人不得以个人独资企业名义从事经营活动。    Prior to issuance of a business license for sole proprietorship enterprise, the sole proprietor may not engage in any business in the name of the sole proprietorship enterprise.
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