

1.离子膜烧碱生产    (1)Production of ionic membrane caustic soda
1.中低档B型超声显像仪制造    (1)Production of low or middle class type-B ultrasonic displays
1.我国专利或行政保护的原料药及需进口的化学原料药生产    (1)Production of material medicines under patent and administrative protection in our country or chemical material medicines which we have to import
1.黄酒、名优白酒生产    (1)Production of millet wine and spirits of famous brands
1.聚酰胺保鲜薄膜生产    (1)Production of polyamide film which can keep fresh
1.卫星电视接收机及关键件生产    (1)Production of satellite television receivers and key parts
1.二醋酸纤维素及丝束加工    (1)Production of secondary cellulose acetate and processing of tows
1.工程用特种纺织品生产    (1)Production of special textiles for engineering use
1.按林纸一体化模式建设的年产30万吨及以上规模化学木浆和年产10万吨及以上规模化学机械木浆(限于合资、合作)    (1)Project based on the mode of integration of forest and paper with an annual production capacity of over 300 thousand tons of chemical wood pulp or an annual production capacity of over 100 thousand tons of chemical mechanical wood pulp (equity joint ventures or contractual joint ventures only)
(一)设立合作企业的项目建议书,并附送主管部门审查同意的文件;    (1)Project proposal for establishing a contractual JV, together with the documents of approval handed out by the administrative departments;
10.艾滋病及放射免疫类等诊断试剂生产    (10)Production of diagnostic reagent for AIDS and radioimmunity diseases
10.工程塑料及塑料合金生产    (10)Production of engineering plastics and plastic alloys
(十一)合作企业章程的修改程序。    (11) Procedures for modifying the articles of association.
(十二)财务、会计、审计的处理原则;    (12) Principles for handling finance, accounting and auditing.
12.纺织及化纤抽丝用助剂、油剂、染化料生产    (12)Production of auxiliary agent, preparation agent, and dye-stuff for textile and chemical fibre ladder
13.中药材、中药提取物、中成药加工及生产(中药饮片传统炮制工艺技术除外)    (13)Processing and production of traditional Chinese herb medicines, products which distill from traditional Chinese herb medicines and Chinese patent medicines (excluding preparing technique of traditional Chinese medicines in small pieces ready for decoction)
13.汽车尾气净化剂、催化剂及其他助剂生产    (13)Production of depurant of automobile tail gas, catalyzer and other assistant agents
13.氨基酸、酶制剂、食品添加剂等生产技术及关键设备制造    (13)Production technology and key equipment manufacturing of aminophenol, zymin, food additive
(十四)合作企业合同的修改程序。    (14) Procedures for modifying the JV contract.
14.生物医学材料及制品生产    (14)Production of biological medical materials and products
14.天然香料、合成香料、单离香料生产    (14)Production of nature spices, synthetic spices and single ion spices
15.兽用抗菌原料药生产(包括抗生素、化学合成类)    (15)Production of antibiotic material medicines used for animals (including antibiotics and chemical synthesis medicines)
15.高性能涂料生产    (15)Production of high capability dope
16.氯化法钛白粉生产    (16)Production of chloridized titanium white
17.氟氯烃替代物生产    (17)Production of chlorofluorocarbon substitution
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