2.单线能力在2万吨/年以下粘胶短纤维生产 (2)Production of viscose staple fibre with an annual single thread output capacity of less than 20,000 tons20.烧碱用离子膜生产 (20)Production of ion film for caustic soda21.生物肥料、高浓度化肥(钾肥、磷肥)、复合肥料生产 (21)Production of biologic fertilizers, high-density fertilizers (potash fertilizer, phosphate fertilizer) and compound fertilizers(三)按照仲裁委员会制定的仲裁费用表的规定预缴仲裁费。 (3) Pay an arbitration fee in advance to the Arbitration Commission according to the Arbitration Fee Schedule of the Arbitration Commission.(三)出票后定期付款; (3) payable at a fixed period after the date of issue; or(三)邮电通信; (3) Post and telecommunications;(三)支付给预录入单位的预录费; (3) pre-inputting fees paid to the pre-inputting entity; and(三)拟订公司内部管理机构设置方案; (3) preparing the plan for the structure of the company's internal management;(三)实施的进度,技术服务,技术培训; (3) progress of implementation, technical service and technical training;(三)专有技术。 (3) proprietary technology.3.联苯胺生产 (3)Production of benzidine3.脱胎漆器生产 (3)Production of bodiless lacquerware3.年产1万吨及以上玻璃纤维(池窑拉丝工艺生产线)及玻璃钢制品生产 (3)Production of glass fibre (product line with technology of wire drawing in tank furnace) and glass fibre reinforced plastic products with an annual capacity of 10,000 tons or more3.耐高温绝缘材料(绝缘等级为F、H级)及绝缘成型件生产 (3)Production of high temperature resistant and insulation material (with F, H insulation class), as well as insulation shaped parts3.国家计划免疫的疫苗、菌苗类及抗毒素、类毒素类(卡介苗、脊髓灰质炎、白百破、麻疹、乙脑、流脑疫苗等)生产 (3)Production of immunity vaccines, bacterins, antitoxins and anatoxin (BCG vaccine, poliomyelitis, DPT vaccine, measles vaccine, Type-B encephalitis, epidemic cerebrospinal meningitis vaccine) which included in the State's Plan3.有色金属复合材料、新型合金材料生产 (3)Production of non-ferrous composite materials, new type of alloy materials3.日产400吨以下纤维及非纤维用聚酯生产,氨纶生产 (3)Production of polyester and spandex used for fibre and non-fibre with a daily production capacity of less than 400 tons3.日产500吨及以上非纤维用聚酯生产,纤维及非纤维用新型聚酯(聚对苯二甲酸丙二醇酯、聚葵二酸乙二醇酯、聚对苯二甲酸丁二醇酯等)生产 (3)Production of polyester used for non-fibre with a daily production capacity of over 500 tons, and production of new type polyester used for fibre and non-fibre (poly terephthalic acid propylene glycol ester, poly sebacic acid glycol ester, polybutylene terephthalate(PBT), etc.)3.糖精等合成甜味剂生产 (3)Production of synthetic sweet agent such as saccharin(四)见票后定期付款。 (4) payable at a fixed period after sight.(四)买入债券支付的价款,包括支付的印花税、资本利得税等税费; (4) Payment for buying bonds, including the payment for tax and fees such as stamp tax and capital gains tax;(四)劳动报酬、保险和福利待遇; (4) payment for labour, insurance and welfare treatment;(四) 罚金、罚款和被没收财物的损失; (4) Pecuniary punishment, fines, and losses of confiscated properties;(四)由于所任公司职务可以获取公司有关证券交易信息的人员; (4) Personnel who, because of their offices in the company they serve, can have access to information relevant to the company's securities trading;(四)辞职、退职人员; (4) persons who have resigned or been discharged;