

《国务院关于鼓励投资开发海南岛的规定》(国发〔1988〕26号) ?    Provisions of the State Council on Encouraging Investments to the Development of Hainan Island (No. 26 [1988] of the State Council)
企业名称登记管理规定    Provisions on Administration of Enterprise Name Registration
国家禁止或者限制设立外资企业的行业由国务院规定。    Provisions shall be made by the State Council regarding the lines of business which the state forbids enterprises with foreign capital to engage in or on which it places certain restrictions.
公安机关要配合工商行政管理机关和技术监督管理机构,坚决清理和取缔加工、生产、储存、销售假冒伪劣商品的窝点,对违法犯罪分子要依法从重惩处。    Public security organ should coordinate with the administrative organs of industry and commerce and the institutions of technological supervision and administration to resolutely check and ban the shelter for processing, producing, storing and selling fake and low-quality commodities and penalize more severely people breaking the law and criminals, according to the law.
各级公安机关要认真查处涉税案件和围攻、冲击税务机关或殴打、谩骂税务人员的案件。    Public security organs at all levels should seriously investigate and deal with tax-related cases and cases of encircling and attacking or forcibly entering into tax organs or beating and slandering tax officials.
《中华人民共和国发票管理办法》宣传提纲    Publicity Outline for the Methods of the People’s Republic of China for Invoice Management
为了正确审理合同纠纷案件,根据《中华人民共和国合同法》(以下简称合同法)的规定,对人民法院适用合同法的有关问题作出如下解释:    Pursuant to The Contract Law of the People's Republic of China (hereinafter the ""Contract Law""), and with a view to facilitating the proper adjudication of contractual disputes, we hereby promulgate the following interpretations of certain issues concerning the application of the Contract Law by People's Courts:
根据1998年3月25日《国务院办公厅转发证监会关于清理整顿场外非法股票交易方案的通知》(国办发[1998]10号)的规定,最高人民法院于1998年12月4日发布了《关于中止审理、中止执行涉及场外非法股票交易经济纠纷案件的通知》(法[1998]145号),目的是为配合国家当时解决STAQ、NET交易系统发生的问题,而非针对目前非法证券活动所产生的纠纷。?    Pursuant to the provisions of the Circular of the General Office of the State Council on Forwarding the Scheme of China Securities Regulatory Commission on the Clear-up of OTC Stock Trading (No. 10 [1998] of the General Office of the State Council) promulgated on March 25, 1998, the Supreme People's Court promulgated the Circular on Suspending the Trial and Execution of Cases Involving Economic Disputes over Illegal OTC Stock Trading on December 4, 1998, directed at helping the country in settling problems arising in the STAQ and Net trading systems and not planed for disputes arising from the current illegal securities activities.
对已注册营业的传销企业,必须在1个月内经原注册机关审核逐级上报国家工商行政管理局重新审查;    Pyramid retail enterprises which are already registered must, within one month, report step-by-step to the State Administration for Industry and Commerce for re-inspection by passing evaluation and approval by the original office which issued the registration;
经审查合格的传销企业,只能在原注册地的行政区域内开展传销,严禁跨地区传销;    Pyramid retail enterprises which pass evaluation shall develop only within the administrative area of the original place of registration; trans-regional pyramid retailing is strictly forbidden;
其传销人员开展经营活动必须经工商行政管理机关批准,接受监督管理,并依法纳税。    pyramid retailers developing operational activities must be approved by the office of industrial and commercial administration, be subject to supervision, and pay taxes according to law.
2.产品销售利润=产品销售净额—产品销售成本—产品销售税金—(销售费用十管理费用十财务费用)    2. profit on sales = (net sales) - (cost of products sold) - (taxes on sales) - 【 (selling expenses) + (administrative expenses) + (finance expenses) 】;
2.销货利润=销货净额—销货成本—销货税金—(销货费用十管理费用十财务费用)    2.profit on sales = (net sales) - (cost of sales) - (taxes on sales) - 【 (selling expenses) + (administrative expenses) + (finance expenses) 】;
四、电力、煤气及水的生产及供应业    Ⅳ. Production and Supply of Power, Gas and Water
十、卫生、体育和社会福利业    Ⅹ.Public Health, Sports and Social Welfare Industries
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