(四)法定代表人或者负责人的产生、罢免的程序; (4) procedures for the election(appointment) and dismissal of the legal representative or person(s)-in-charge;(四)在上海浦东新区设立的生产性外商投资企业,以及从事机场、港口、铁路、公路、电站等能源、交通建设项目的外商投资企业。 (4) production-oriented enterprises with foreign investment established in the Pudong New Area of Shanghai, as well as enterprises with foreign investment engaged in energy resource and transport construction projects such as airports, ports, railways, highways and power stations;(四)收购目的; (4) Purpose of the purchase;4.输变电设备:500千伏及以上超高压直流输变电设备制造(限于合资、合作) (4)Power transmitting and transforming equipment: manufacture of super high-voltage DC power transmitting and transforming equipment of 500 KW or over (equity joint ventures or contractual joint ventures only)4.油脂加工 (4)Processing of fat or oil4.采用新技术设备生产解热镇痛药 (4)Production of analgesic-antipyretic medicines with new technique and new equipment4.汽车电子装置制造(含发动机控制系统、底盘控制系统、车身电子控制系统) (4)Production of automobile electronic devices(including engine control system, underchassis control system, autocar body electric control system)4.易制毒化学品生产(麻黄素、3,4-亚基二氧苯基-2-丙酮、苯乙酸、1-苯基-2-丙酮、胡椒醛、黄樟脑、异黄樟脑、醋酸酐) (4)Production of chemical products from which narcotics are easily made (ephedrine, 3, 4-idene dihydro phenyl-2-acctonc, phenylacetic acid, 1-phenyl-2-acetone, heliotropin, safrole, isosafrole, acetic oxide)4.珐琅制品生产 (4)Production of enamel products4.年产50万件及以上高档卫生瓷生产 (4)Production of high level sanitation porcelain with an annual production of 500,000 pieces or over4.成瘾性麻醉药品及精神药品原料药生产(中方控股) (4)Production of material medicines for addiction narcotic and psychoactivc drug (Chinese partner shall hold the majority of shares)4.比例、伺服液压技术,低功率气动控制阀,填料静密封生产 (4)Production with techniques of proportional, servo-hydraulic pressure, low-power pneumatic control valve and stuffing static seal(四)以虚假或者无效的凭证、合同、单据等向外汇指定银行骗购外汇的; (4)Purchase of foreign exchanges with faked or invalid certificates, contracts, bills or other deceptive means from banks designated to handle foreign exchanges.42.新型药品包装材料、容器及先进的制药设备制造 (42)Producing and manufacturing of new packing materials, new containers for medicine, and advanced medicine producing equipment(五)证券监督管理机构工作人员以及由于法定的职责对证券交易进行管理的其他人员; (5) Personnel working for securities regulatory organs, and other personnel who, because of their official responsibilities, supervise securities exchanges;(五)国家法律、法规和政策允许的离休、退休人员和其他人员。 (5) persons who have retired, and other people permitted by laws, regulations and policies of the State.(五)可能造成环境污染的。 (5) Possible creation of environmental pollution.(五)资产管理和使用的原则; (5) principles of asset management and disposal;(五)工程承包或其他方式。 (5) projects under contract or other forms.5.血液制品的生产 (5)Production of blood products5.乳制品生产 (5)Production of dairy products5.新型抗癌药物及新型心脑血管药生产 (5)Production of new variety of anticarcinogen medicines, as well as cardiovascular and cerebrovascular medicines5.有机氯系列化工产品生产(高残留有机氯产品除外) (5)Production of organochlorine serial chemical industrial products (excluding high-residual organochlorine products)5.精冲模、精密型腔模、模具标准件生产 (5)Production of precision plunger dies, precision cavity molds and standard components of molds5.硫酸法钛白粉生产 (5)Production of sulphuric acid basic titanium white