5.宣纸、墨锭生产 (5)Production of Xuan-paper (rice paper) and ingot-shaped tablets of Chinese ink(六)由于法定职责而参与证券交易的社会中介机构或者证券登记结算机构、证券交易服务机构的有关人员; (6) Personnel of intermediary organs, organs of securities registration and settlement, and organs providing security exchange services, who take part in securities trading because of their official responsibilities;(六)章程的修改程序; (6) procedures for the revision of the articles of association;6.硼镁铁矿石加工 (6)Processing of baron, magnesium, iron ores6.苯、甲苯、二甲苯、乙二醇等基本有机化工原料及其衍生物生产 (6)Production of basic organic chemical industrial raw materials such as the of benzene, methylbenzenc, dimethylobenzene, etc. and its derivatives6.致癌、致畸、致突变产品和持久性有机污染物产品生产 (6)Production of carcinogenic, teratogenic, mutagenesis and persistent organic pollutant products6.玻璃、陶瓷、玻璃纤维窑炉用高档耐火材料生产 (6)Production of high-level refractory material used in furnaces for glass, ceramics and glass fibre6.新型仪表元器件和材料(主要指智能型仪用传感器、仪用接插件、柔性线路板、光电开关、接近开关等新型仪用开关、仪用功能材料等)生产 (6)Production of new type of meters' spare parts and materials (mainly new switches and function materials for meters such as intelligent sensors, socket connector, flexible circuit board, photoelectric switches and proximity switches.)6.新型、高效、经济的避孕药具生产 (6)Production of new, effective and economical contraceptive medicines and devices6.非自毁式一次性注射器、输液器、输血器及血袋生产 (6)Production of non-self-destructible expendable injectors, transfusion systems, blood transfusion systems, blood bags(七)上市公司收购的有关方案; (7) Plans relevant to the acquisition of listed companies;(七)终止程序和终止后资产的处理; (7) procedures for termination and disposal of assets upon termination; and7.无机非金属材料及制品生产(人工晶体、高性能复合材料、特种玻璃、特种陶瓷、特种密封材料、特种胶凝材料) (7)Production of inorganic, non-metal materials and products (artificial crystal, high-capability complex materials, special kind of glass, special kind of ceramics, special kind of airproof materials and special kinds of cementation materials)7.采用生物工程技术生产的新型药物生产 (7)Production of new variety of medicines which are produced by means of biological engineering technology7.合成材料的配套原料:双酚A、4.4'二苯基甲烷二异氰酸酯、甲苯二异氰酸酯生产 (7)Production of supporting raw materials for synthesized materials (bisphenol-A, (4)' diphenylmethane, diiso-cyan ester, and vulcabond toluene)(八)财务负责人、办税人员; (8) party in charge of finance matters and taxation personnel;8.新型建筑材料生产(轻质高强多功能墙体材料、高档环保型装饰装修材料、优质防水密封材料、高效保温材料) (8)Production of new type of building materials (lightweight high-intensity and multi-function materials for wall, high-level environment protecting decorating and finishing materials, high quality water-proof and airproof materials, and effective thermal insulation materials)8.合成纤维原料:精对苯二甲酸、丙烯腈、己内酰胺、尼龙66盐生产 (8)Production of synthetic fibre raw materials: precision terephthalic acid, vinyl cyanide, caprolactam and nylon 66 salt8.基因工程疫苗生产(艾滋病疫苗、丙肝疫苗、避孕疫苗等) (8)Production of vaccine through genie engineering technology (vaccine against AIDS, vaccine against type-C hepatitis, contraceptive vaccine, etc.)(九)公司章程的修改程序; (9) procedures for the amendment of articles of association of the company;9.民用飞机零部件制造 (9)Production of spares parts for civil planes9.合成橡胶:溶液丁苯橡胶、丁基橡胶、异戊橡胶、丁二烯法氯丁橡胶、聚氨酯橡胶、丙烯酸橡胶、氯醇橡胶生产 (9)Production of synthetic rubber (liquid butadiene styrene rubber by butadiene method, butyl rubber, isoamyl rubber, butadiene neoprene rubber, butadiene rubber, acrylic rubber, chlorophydrin rubber)国务院令第251号 颁布日期:19981025 实施日期:19981025 颁布单位:国务院 (Promulgated by Decree No. 251 of the State Council of the People’s Republic of China on October 25, 1998)上海市人民政府令第65号 颁布日期:19990127 颁布单位:上海市人民政府 (Promulgated by Decree No. 65 of the Shanghai Municipal People’s Government on January 27, 1999)(一)向市或者区、县市政委办公室缴纳市容整治费; 1. Pay the city appearance maintenance fee to the municipal or district / county office of municipal administration committee;