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中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(二)    A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z


前款所说的收益,是指转让收人减除该财产原值后的余额。    ""Gains"" mentioned in the preceding paragraph means the amount remaining from the receipt on transfer minus the original value of the property.
??? (二)用于非应税项目的购进货物或者应税劳务;    (2)Goods purchased or taxable services used for no -n-taxanle items;
(三)收集整理证券信息,为会员提供服务;    (3) Gather and organize securities information as a service to the members;
(三)经营状况良好,且申请日的上一个会计年度为盈利;    (3) Good operating performance and in the previous fiscal year as of the application date being profitable;
??? (三)用于免税项目的购进货物或者应税劳务;    (3)Goods purchased or taxable services used for gr -oup welfare or personal consumption;
??? (四)用于集体福利或者个人消费的购进货物或者应税劳务;    (4)Goods purchased or taxable services used for gr oup welfare or personal consumption;
(五)经营状况良好,无重大违法违规记录。    (5) Good operating performance without records of serious violation of laws and regulations.
(六)依法对证券业协会的活动进行指导和监督;    (6) Guide and supervise according to the law the activities of the stock brokers' association;
??? (六)非正常损失的在产品、产成品所耗用的购进货物或者应税劳务。    (6)Goods purchased or taxable services consumed in the production of work-in-progress or finished goo ds which suffer abnormal losses.
7.远距离超高压直流输电技术;    (g) technology for long-distance, ultra-high voltage direct current power transmission; and
*5.货物租赁公司    *5.Goods leasing companies
(一)在展览会、交易会、会议及类似活动中展示或者使用的货物;    1. goods displayed or used in exhibitions, fairs, meetings or similar activities;
(一)在展览会、交易会、会议及类似活动中展示或者使用的货物;    1. goods displayed or used in exhibitions, fairs, meetings or similar activities;
(一)已征进口关税的货物,因品质或者规格原因,原状退货复运出境的;    1. goods for which import duties have been paid are transported out of China without changing state due to quality or specification problems;
(一)已征进口关税的货物,因品质或者规格原因,原状退货复运出境的;    1. goods for which import duties have been paid are transported out of China without changing state due to quality or specification problems;
(一) 图书、报纸、期刊类出版物等时效性较强的货物;    1. Goods such as books, newspapers, periodicals and other publications that have strong efficiency;
(十六)普通机械制造业    16.General Machine-building Industry
(二)减免税货物经批准转让或者移作他用的;    2. goods enjoying duty reduction or exemption are transferred to others or for other uses upon approval;
(二)减免税货物经批准转让或者移作他用的;    2. goods enjoying duty reduction or exemption are transferred to others or for other uses upon approval;
(二)已征出口关税的货物,因品质或者规格原因,原状退货复运进境,并已重新缴纳因出口而退还的国内环节有关税收的;    2. goods for which export duties have been paid are transported into the country without changing state due to quality or specification problems, and for which taxes of domestic links returned upon exportation have been paid;
(二)已征出口关税的货物,因品质或者规格原因,原状退货复运进境,并已重新缴纳因出口而退还的国内环节有关税收的;    2. goods for which export duties have been paid are transported into the country without changing state due to quality or specification problems, and for which taxes of domestic links returned upon exportation have been paid;
(三)已征出口关税的货物,因故未装运出口,申报退关的。    3. goods for which export duties have been paid fail to be exported due to certain reasons, and an application has been filed for customs declaration back into the country.
(三)已征出口关税的货物,因故未装运出口,申报退关的。    3. goods for which export duties have been paid fail to be exported due to certain reasons, and an application has been filed for customs declaration back into the country.
(三)暂准进境货物经批准不复运出境,以及暂准出境货物经批准不复运进境的;    3. goods that are allowed to be transported into the country temporarily are not transported away from the country after obtaining approval, and goods that are allowed to be transported away from the country temporarily are not transported into the country any longer after obtaining approval to do so;
(三)暂准进境货物经批准不复运出境,以及暂准出境货物经批准不复运进境的;    3. goods that are allowed to be transported into the country temporarily are not transported away from the country after obtaining approval, and goods that are allowed to be transported away from the country temporarily are not transported into the country any longer after obtaining approval to do so;
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