- 中国商业贸易法律法规中英数据库(二) A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z
- (三)发出通知书的费用。 (3) the expenses for the dispatch of notices.
- (三) 以融资租赁方式租出的固定资产; (3) The fixed assets which are rented out through finance leasing;
- (三)公司债券所募集资金不按照审批机关批准的用途使用; (3) The funds raised by the company's bonds are not used in accordance with the purposes approved by the authorities concerned;
- (三) 从事符合条件的环境保护、节能节水项目的所得; (3) The income generated from the projects of environmental protection, energy and water saving and satisfying the related requirements;
- (三) 与经营活动无关的无形资产; (3) The intangible assets in no relation to the business operations; and
- (三)填写项目不齐全; (3) The items filled in are incomplete;
- (三)外商独资银行、中外合资银行的最高拆入限额和最高拆出限额均不超过该机构实收资本的2倍; (3) The maximum amount of interbank borrowing or interbank lending for a solely foreign-funded bank or Chinese-foreign joint-venture bank shall be no more than two times of its paid-in capital;
- (三)被保证人的名称; (3) the name of the guarantee;
- (三)投资者为二人以上三十人以下; (3) the number of investors shall range from 2 to 30;
- 三、价款或者酬金; (3) the price or remuneration;
- 三、产品的价格,除国家规定必须执行国家定价的以外.由当事人协商议定。 (3) The product price term shall, except where the State provides that the State-fixed prices must be followed, be determined by the parties through consultation.
- 3.塑料、橡胶及其制品出口退税率下调至5%; (3) The rate of export tax rebate for plastic, rubber and their products shall be lowered to 5%;
- (三)外资企业为生产出口产品而进口的原材料、辅料、元器件、零部件和包装物料。 (3) The raw materials and processed materials, auxiliary materials, primary parts, parts and components, and articles and materials for packaging imported by a foreign-capital enterprise for the production of export products.
- (三)在有关主管当局出具意见之日的前3年,该申请人受处罚的记录。 (3) The record of the punishment imposed on the applicant in the last three years prior to the date of issuance of the Letter of Comments by the relevant authority;
- (三)董事、监事、经理及有关高级管理人员简介及其持股情况; (3) The resumes of directors, supervisors, managers, and high?ranking administrators as well as the situation regarding their holding of the company's stocks and bonds;
- (三)经营范围、产品品种和生产规模; (3) The scope of business operations, the varieties of products, and the scale of production;
- (三)办公场所电话、传真、邮政通讯地址; (3) the telephone number, fax number and post address of the office; and
- (三)企业集团财务公司、信托公司、证券公司、保险资产管理公司拆入资金的最长期限为7天; (3) The term of interbank borrowing for a corporate finance company, trust company, securities company or insurance assets management company shall not excess seven days; and
- (三)投资总额、注册资本、出资期限; (3) The total amount of investments, the registered capital, and the time limit for contributing investment;
- (三)同业拆借交易金额; (3) The transaction amount of interbank borrowing;
- 三是案件涉及地域广,涉案金额大,涉及人员多,同时资产易被转移,证据易被销毁,人员易潜逃,案件办理难度大。 (3) The unlawful securities cases involve broad areas, large amounts and a great number of people, the assets are easily transferred, the evidence is easily ruined, the suspects can easily flee, and there is great difficulty in coping with cases.
- (三)产品出口不需要领取国家有关主管部门发放的出口配额、许可证,或者虽需要领取,但在报送项目建议书前已征得国家有关主管部门同意的; (3) The venture's export dose not need to obtain export quotas or licenses issued by relevant State administrative departments; or if export quotas and licenses are needed, it has been granted approval by State administrative departments prior to filing the project proposal.
- (三)劳动条件; (3) the working conditions;
- (三)在同一行政区域内已有业务范围相同或者相似的民办非企业单位,没有必要成立的; (3) There is no need for its establishment when there already exists a people-run non-enterprise unit with identical or similar business scope within the same administrative area;
- (三)变更住所; (3) to change its dwelling place;