(二)申请人所在国家或地区的金融监管当局与中国证监会签订了监管合作谅解备忘录,并保持着良好的合作关系; (2) The financial supervision authority in the country or region where the applicant is located has concluded a memorandum of understanding on supervisory cooperation with CSRC, and keeps a good cooperation with CSRC;(二) 以经营租赁方式租入的固定资产; (2) The fixed assets which are rented in through commercial lease;(二)外国企业在中国境内未设立机构、场所取得的下列所得: (2) The following income received by foreign enterprises which have no establishments or sites in China:二、国家工商行政管理局认为有必要直接查处的外商投资企业。 (2) The foreign investment enterprises that the State Administration for Industry and Commerce deems it necessary to exercise direct examination and punishment.(二)经营不善,严重亏损,外国投资者决定解散; (2) The foreign investor decides to dissolve it because of poor operation and management resulting in serious losses;(二) 从事国家重点扶持的公共基础设施项目投资经营的所得; (2) The incomes generated from investment in and business operations of the important public infrastructure projects supported by the state;(二)办理票据贴现; (2) the instruments discount;(二)自筹资金,并且不需要国家平衡建设、生产条件的; (2) The investment fund is raised independently, and contraction and production conditions of the venture dose not need State balance.(二)破产案件的诉讼费用; (2) the litigation expenses of the bankruptcy case; and(二)破产案件的诉讼费用; (2) the litigation expenses of the bankruptcy case; and(二)破产案件的诉讼费用; (2) the litigation expenses of the bankruptcy case; and(二)外资企业以投资总额内的资金进口本企业生产所需的自用机器设备、零部件、生产用交通运输工具以及生产管理设备; (2) The machinery and equipment, parts and components, means of communications and transportation for use in production, and equipment for use in production and management, imported, for their own use, by a foreign-capital enterprise with the funds included in the total amount of investment;(二)中资商业银行、城市信用合作社、农村信用合作社县级联合社的最高拆入限额和最高拆出限额均不超过该机构各项存款余额的8%; (2) The maximum amount of interbank borrowing or interbank lending for a Chinese-invested commercial bank, urban credit cooperative or a rural credit cooperative union at county level shall not be more than 8 percent of the balance of all kinds of deposits in it;2.盐、溶剂油、水泥、液化丙烷、液化丁烷、液化石油气等矿产品; (2) The mineral products such as salt, solvent naphtha, cement, liquefied propane, liquefied butane and liquefied petroleum gas;(二)所持有的股票的名称、数量; (2) The name and amount of stock in his possession;(二)保证人名称和住所; (2) the name and domicile of the guarantor;(二)拟设立外资企业的名称、住所; (2) The name and residence of the foreign-capital enterprise;(二)持有公司股份最多的前十名股东的名单和持股数额; (2) The name list of the top 10 stock holders of the company and the numbers of their stocks;(二)债务人怠于行使其到期债权,对债权人造成损害; (2) The obligor's delay in exercising the creditor's right due to it has caused harm to the obligee;二、产品质量要求和包装质量要求,有国家强制性标准或者行业强制性标准的,不得低于国家强制性标准或者行业强制性标准签订;没有国家强制性标准,也没有行业强制性标准的,由双方协商签订。 (2) The product quality and packaging quality requirements terms shall be concluded in accordance with the standard which may not be lower than the State mandatory standards or the trade mandatory standards if such standards exist; in the absence of such standards, the terms shall be concluded between the parties through consultation.(二)不需要国家调拨原材料,不影响能源、交通运输、外贸出口配额等全国综合平衡的。 (2) The proposed enterprises does not need the raw and processed materials to be allocated by the State, or does not influence unfavourably the national comprehensive balance of energy resources, communications and transportation, as well as export quotas for foreign trade.(二)开办公司的宗旨和经营范围; (2) the purpose of establishing the company and its business scope;二、数量和质量; (2) the quantity and quality;2.部分化学品出口退税率下调至9%或5%; (2) The rate of export tax rebate for some chemical products shall be lowered to 9% or 5%;(二)外国保险公司所在的集团公司设立的代表机构。 (2) The representative office established by a group to which a foreign insurance company belongs.