(一)同一送达事项的受送达人众多; (1) the same document needs to be served to a large number of people;(一)被拒绝付款的汇票金额; (1) the sum payable by the bill of exchange dishonored;(一)政策性银行、中资商业银行、中资商业银行授权的一级分支机构、外商独资银行、中外合资银行、外国银行分行、城市信用合作社、农村信用合作社县级联合社拆入资金的最长期限为1年; (1) The term of interbank borrowing for a policy bank, Chinese-invested commercial bank, a first-class branch of a Chinese-invested commercial bank, a Chinese-foreign joint-venture bank, a branch of a foreign bank, urban credit cooperative, or a county-level rural credit cooperative union shall not be more than one year;(一)经营期限届满; (1) The term of operations expires;(一)公司债券的期限为一年以上; (1) The term of the company's bonds must be about one year;(一)投资总额在国务院规定由国务院授权的部门或者地方人民政府审批的投资限额以内的; (1) The total amount of investment falls within the limit set by the State Council for examination by authorized departments of the State Council and local people's governments.(一)投资总额在国务院规定的投资审批权限以内的; (1) The total amount of investment is within the limits of powers for the examination and approval of investments stipulated by the State Council;(一)保险公司的可投资总额,不得超过公司上年末外汇资金余额的80%,保险公司出现本办法第八条规定情形的,其可投资总额不得超过其上年末外汇资金余额与增加资金合计的80%; (1) The total investable amount of an insurance company shall not exceed 80% of the balance of its foreign exchange funds at the end of the previous year. In any of the circumstances specified in Article 8 hereof, the total investable amount shall not exceed 80% of the aggregate of the balance of foreign exchange funds at the end of the previous year and increased funds;(一) 财政拨款; (1) The treasury appropriations;(一)表明“保证”的字样; (1) the word ""guaranteed"";(一)表明“支票”的字样; (1) the word expressing it to be a cheque;(一)设立外资企业申请书; (1) The written application for the establishment of a foreign-capital enterprise;(一)有根据证明申请登记的民办非企业单位的宗旨、业务范围不符合本条例第四条规定的; (1) There are bases to prove that the aims and business scope of the people-run non-enterprise unit applying for registration do not accord with the provisions of Article 4 of these Regulations;(一)具有必备的服务设备和完善的数据安全保护措施; (1) They have the necessary service facilities and shall take effective measures to ensure the security of their data.(一)有损于国家、社会公共利益的; (1) those being detrimental to the State and social public interests;(一)外资企业生产所必需的; (1) Those that are needed for the production of the foreign-capital enterprise;(一)变更名称; (1) to change its name;(一)召集债权人会议; (1) To convene a meeting of creditors;(一)进入违法行为发生场所调查取证; (1) To enter premises where an illegal act has been committed to investigate and to attain evidence;(一)审查有关债权的证明材料,确认债权有无财产担保及其数额; (1) to examine materials of proof relating to the claims, and to confirm the amount of such claims and whether or not the claims are secured with property;(一)审查有关债权的证明材料,确认债权有无财产担保及其数额; (1) to examine materials of proof relating to the claims, and to confirm the amount of such claims and whether or not the claims are secured with property;(一)审查有关债权的证明材料,确认债权有无财产担保及其数额; (1) to examine materials of proof relating to the claims, and to confirm the amount of such claims and whether or not the claims are secured with property;(一)依法制定和执行货币政策; (1) to formulate and implement monetary policies in accordance with law;(一)检查纳税人的帐簿、记帐凭证、报表和有关资料,检查扣缴义务人代扣代缴、代收代缴税款帐簿、记帐凭证和有关资料; (1) to inspect a taxpayer's accounting books, supporting vouchers for the accounts, statements and the relevant information; to inspect a withholding agent's accounting books, supporting vouchers for the accounts and the relevant information in respect of the amount of tax withheld and remitted or collected and remitted(一)未经指定,擅自生产商用密码产品的,或者商用密码产品指定生产单位超过批准范围生产商用密码产品的; (1) To produce the commercial password products without any designation, or the designated units produce the commercial password products exceeding the scope approved;语际翻译 版权所有
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